英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that the sex ratio of pupae and adults is 1:1.0430 and 1:1.0154,respectively.The 80% beet armyworm emerged generally during night after pupation about 4~8 d,and more than half in 0:00~8:00 am.

结果表明:甜菜夜蛾蛹的性比为:1:1.0430,羽化之后的成虫性比为1:1.0154;甜菜夜蛾羽化集中在化蛹后4 ̄8 d,且化蛹具有显著的昼夜分布特点,夜间羽化数总数的80%左右,其中0:00 ̄8:00之间羽化数达一半以上;成虫单次交配持续时间为40 ̄100min的发生概率70.44%,85%以上的交配集中发生在夜间2:00 ̄7:00;成虫主要在夜间产卵,其中在0:00 ̄5:00时辰65%以上。

Among the first 23 allogeneic paediatric BMT carried out in Queen Mary Hospital from September 1991 to January 1995, there were 68 episodes of infectious complications. These included 19 (28%) pyrexia of unknown origin, 11(16%) clinically documented infections, and 38(56%) microbiologically documented infections.


While trying to get a grasp of the septile aspect, I went back to John Addey (1920 1982), a key voice in bringing Pythagorean understanding of numbers into modern astrology. He wrote Harmonics in Astrology in 1976; it is now back in print after many years. He writes that the number seven (and the 7th harmonic)"is a difficult number to pin down" and "somewhat elusive to interpret."

为了试图给7分相位一个浅显的解释,我找到了历史上的一位星家,名叫 John Addey ,将毕达哥拉斯对数字的理解带进了现代星学,他1976年出版了一本《星中的数字和谐》,书中有关数字7和7分相位,他写道"它是一个很难确定,很难下结论的数字"并且"不太容易解释和捉摸"。

Results In the therapy group, most patients had taken ARV drugs for 4-8 months, which accounted for 78.24 % of the total number, with the adherence rate above 90% as 67.51 %. The main reason for the patients not listening to their doctor\'s advice was due to ART drug\'s side effects( 66.95 %), including queasiness, vomiting and tetter.


Second, the supply structure is reasonable, but ordinary commodity housing supply or inadequate. 2004, 6,000 yuan per square metre below the pre-sale registration of the total area of housing accounted for 55.6%, 6000-9000 yuan per square metre of commercial housing accounted for 15.7% of total 28.7%,9000 yuan.


The simulating result accorded well with experimental data at low duty cycle, but have relative bigerror at higher duty cycle.


The executive cadre 118 people, representing 26%; function units with 111 personnel, 222% 25%; units, or 49%.


From the purchase of the demand, the pure investment demand in the current market environment accounted for only 6 percent, while the buyers immediately after the arrival of the demand for 56 percent of total demand, proving once again that there is still great demand for the rigid market space, followed by self - living and the need to invest 28 percent of total demand.


Dirt in the tube accounts for 29.79%, rubber gasbag, tubing aging 5.85%, others 3.19%.


Ethnic Composition: Samoan- 88%, Euronesian- 10%, European- 2

种 族:萨摩亚人88%,欧洲-波利尼西亚混血人种10%,欧洲人后裔2

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
