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Were extracted by different extracting solvents in lab, the results indicated that with the increasing of Mn concentration levels, the speciation of Mn in their roots transform from H2O-extractable species to HCl-extractable species and NaCl-extractable species, showed increases of Mn of oxalate binding and pectate binding or prontein binding in cell wall of roots; Mn of H2O-extractable species were 34.55~50.26% of total Mn in stems and increased with the increasing of Mn concentration levels, which benefited upward transport of Mn; Percentage of Mn of H2O-extractable species were 38.55~44.19% and Mn of HCl-extractable species were 20.66~28.74% to total Mn in leaves, suggesting that most Mn in leaves were the speciation of H2O-solubility organic salts or manganese oxalates. 5. Chlorophyll in leaves of Polygonum hydropiper L.


The United States had 52% of pediatric stroke cases, Canada 19%, and Germany 10%.


Penetrable injury accounted for 40.26%, blunt injury 17.53% and cracked injury 15.58%.

在眼外伤的分类中,穿孔伤病例数最多(4 0 2 6 %),其次是挫伤(17 5 3%)和破裂伤(15 5 8%)。

Soil physico-chemical properties and variability in space and time in tillaged-layer of paddy, dry field and vegetable field in different physiognomic areas were analyzed. The variation characteristics for various soil nutrient elements in the three different types of farmland before and after twenty years were explored and compared.


The report presents 45 cases of retinal pigmentary degeneration treated by Western and Chinese medicine.


"One of the difficulties — still — is in making the clinical decision of whether a child has type 1 or type 2 diabetes," Dr. Bennett explained. There are several characteristics that differentiate the two. Dr. Bennett reported that among the Pima, 92% of children with type 2 diabetes also had a family history of type 2 disease, most often in the mother. Other features include obesity (body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or greater),(68%), being asymptomatic (78%), and ketoacidosis (about 10%). These children and adolescents are not insulin-dependent and may stay that way for years, he said. They are also glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody– and islet cell antibody–negative.

Bennett博士解释道,在临床上决定孩童是第一型或是第二型糖尿病是有困难的,两者之间是有不同的特点,Bennett博士提到,在印地安人身上,92%的孩童发生第二型糖尿病是有家族史的,且与母亲有关,其他特徵还包括肥胖(身体质量指数大於等於30 kg/m2)68%、无症状78%、酮酸血症约10%;Bennett博士指出,这些孩童与青少年并非胰岛素依赖型且持续好几年,他们在麸氨酸脱羧酶抗体与胰岛细胞抗体是呈阴性反应。

Results?Preaxial polydactyly was classified according to Wassel?

结果 轴前型多指根据Wassel法进行分型,Ⅳ型最多,46.71%;Ⅱ型23.03%;Ⅶ型5.92%。

Among them, 16 cultivars were moderately or higher resistant to potato late blight, 28 cultivars were moderately or higher resistant to potato late blight, 28 cultivars were moderately susceptible or less than that, and 4 cultivars had different resistant due to different altitude, accounting for 33.3%, 58.34%,and 8.33% among tested cultivars, respectively.


The commonest precipitant was exercise in nearly 19% of patients , followed by eating in 8%.


Compare according to the year, the regional group and local group are all present the slump in 2001, and once more again promote in 2002, want the high proptosis than 2000, but the all alliance group had improved by year progressively.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
