英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A total of 20 groups of meiofauna in the Southern Yellow Sea: Nematoda, Copepoda, Polychaeta, Kinorhyncha, Bivalvia, Ostracoda, Amphipoda, Tanaidacea, Isopoda, Cumacea, Gastropoda, Gastrotricha, Halacaroidea, nectochaeta, Amphiura, Nemertina, Insecta, Priapulida, Turbellaria and others were identified.


Results:One hundred and eleven eyes were treated with PRP, 95 eyes were treated with mild-PRP. Visual acuity was increased by 1~3 lines in 82 eyes(35%), not changed in 94 eyes(46%) and decreased in 30 eyes(19%). On Fundus fluorescein angiography 3 months later, new vessels shrinked and retinal edema recovered in most cases, but in 10 eyes, new vessels and small nonperfusional areas still could be seen after the treatment, which was treated again.


Results The incidence of sympathetic ophthalmia was high in youth.The perforating injury was the most common exciting factor(88.00%) More wounds were at corneal limbus(59.32%). The latent period in 2 - 8 weeks was more common(47.89%).

结果 交感性眼炎多发生于青壮年,致伤原因多为眼球穿孔伤,88 0 0 %;受伤部位为角膜缘者最多, 5 9 3 2 %;潜伏期 9天~ 3 6年,以 2~ 8周者最多, 47 89%;年龄越小发生后段改变的可能性越高,潜伏期在 8周~ 1年的病例越趋向于发生后段改变。

Results The incidence of FD was 46.5% in the armymen. Emotional disorders accounted for 41.72%, diet disorders accounted for 21.48%, and overfatigue accounted for 16.52 %. The abovementioned three factors might be the main causes of FD in them.

结果 军人FD发病率约为41.72%,中医病因:情志失调40.49%,饮食失常21.48 %,劳倦过度16.52 %,以上3种因素可能是军人FD的主要成因。

Results The incidence of FD was 46.5% in the armymen. Emotional disorders accounted for 41.72%, diet disorders accounted for 21.48%, and overfatigue accounted for 16.52 %. The above?mentioned three factors might be the main causes of FD in them.

结果 军人FD发病率约为41.72%,中医病因:情志失调40.49%,饮食失常21.48 %,劳倦过度16.52 %,以上3种因素可能是军人FD的主要成因。

Emotional disorders accounted for 41.72%, diet disorders accounted for 21.48%, and overfatigue accounted for 16.52 %. The abovementioned three factors might be the main causes of FD in them.

结果 军人FD发病率约为41.72%,中医病因:情志失调40.49%,饮食失常21.48 %,劳倦过度16.52 %,以上3种因素可能是军人FD的主要成因。

Results In 60 cases, both oviduct get through in 42 cases , account for 70%;one oviduct incompletely get through in 6 cases, account for 10%;both oviduct were blocked in 12 cases, account for 20%.


The main diseases studied in 214 clinical studies include: virus hepatitis (65 studies), hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (19 studies), typhoid fever (11 studies), bacterial infection (13 studies), bacillary dysentery (5 studies), epidemic encephalitis B (3 studies) and parasitosis (9 studies).


The main contribution of this paper is summarized as follow:1 Copolymer acrylate resin including hydroxyl, carboxylic and amina(-NH_2) is a new type of antifogging system and ahydrophi- lic antifogging constituents which is not found before.2 Water-soluble acrylate resin hydrophilic antifogging coating material is a new-type environmental protection material which takes ethanol as solvent and whose pastiness is adjusted by deionized water.3 The quality rate of accessory soft monomer ethyl acrylate and accessory hard monomer butyl methacrylate is 6 to 4, the quality rate of functional monomers in all monomers is 20 percent, the quality rate of MAA in the functional monomers is 22 percent, the quality rate of β-hydroxyl ethyl acrylate in the functional monomers is 8 to 10 percent and the remainder of functional monomer is acrylic acid.4 Cross-linking agent methylol acrylamide belongs to self-cross-linking system.

本文的主要贡献概述如下: 1 含有亲水羧基、羟基和氨基(-NH_2)丙烯酸共聚树脂是一种新型高效的防雾体系,用的亲水防雾组分是前所未有的。 2 以乙醇为溶剂制得水溶性丙烯酸树脂具有很好的水溶性能和防雾性能,只需加入去离子水就可以调节它的粘度,是一种新型的环保型防雾材料。 3 辅助软单体丙烯酸乙酯和辅助硬单体甲基丙烯酸甲酯最佳配比为质量比6∶4;官能单体单体总量的20%,甲基丙烯酸官能单体总量10~15%,甲基丙烯酸β-羟乙酯官能单体总量的8~10%,剩下的为丙烯酸。

Before starting, it is important to note that this project, as it was submitted to PEC, was worth 30% of the students grades with the research worksheet worth 10% and the final poster worth 20%.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
