英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This course is based on experimental contents of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and so on.


Throughout central and southern points of the Alps (accounting for 60% of the total area), northwestern Jura mountains (10%), Central Highlands (30%) in three areas of natural terrain.


The luminescence power of semiconductor laser diode is tested after the radiator element of laser diode is made and the drive circuit is designed. Then, chaos mathematic model is introduced to produce deterministic class stochastic signal and C langrage program, which is based on the hardware circuit design of MSP430, is designed and on-line debugged to implement the dynamic stimulation effect and avoid the body adaptability with the duty cycle of chaos sequence. The duty cycle is adjusted and controlled to accomplish the reinforcing and reducing in moxibustion. At last, Average power of laser diode is tested under the conditions of different duty cycles and the waveforms are collected by applying virtual instrument.

在半导体激光器散热装置的特别制作及工作驱动电路的设计基础上,完成半导体激光器发光功率的测试,然后引入混沌数学模型方法来产生确定性的类随机信号,在 MSP430 单片机硬件电路设计的基础上,应用单片机 C语言进行程序设计并在线调试,实现传统灸法的动态刺激效果,采用混沌序列空比信号消除人体适应性,调整和控制输出空比的改变以达到灸疗的补泻手法的实现,最后对不同控制空比情况下激光器输出的平均功率进行测试,完成工作波形的采集。

Where the month rental income derived from individuals' leasing of houses for non-residential purposes is at or above the threshold of business tax of our city, various taxes shall be calculated and levied at the comprehensive levy rate of 12%, including business tax, urban maintenance and construction tax, additional education tax, house property tax, urban and township land use tax, stamp tax, and individual income tax; when a taxation authority or a tax withholding agent entrusted by taxation authority (hereinafter referred to as the levier) pays the aforesaid taxes within the stipulated time limit, the tax shall be paid on a consolidated basis to a bank by tax categories in the light of business tax item (service sector – lease sector), house property item and individual income tax item.


Results all of the 20 x-ray cases demonstrated the trabeculae bone hazy with pathy high density in the weight-supporting zone .all of the ct cases demonstrated the collapse of the femoral head. and the 4 cases demonstrated the high density, fragment of the femoral head and cystic lucency zone in the high density area and mixed density could be seen in 3 cases. the 4 mri cases demonstrated cystic hypointensity in t1wi and hyperintensity in t2wi. the 3 mri cases demonstrated mixed intensity in t1wi and t2wi,the 3 mri cases demonstrated irregular hypointensity with collapse of the femoral head in t1wi and t2wi.

结果 x线平片20 例,均表现为股骨头持重区骨小梁增粗且模糊不清,持重部位呈斑片状或斑点状密度增高影,本组均可见(100%)。ct扫描20 例,平扫均表现为股骨头形态塌陷,其中显示高密度硬化4 例(20%),股骨头碎裂,显示高密度区内有不规则透亮区,呈高低混杂密度改变有3 例(15%)。mri扫描10 例, t1wi呈斑点状或小囊状低信号,t2wi为高信号,本组4 例,t1wi与t2wi均为不规则低、等、高混杂信号,本组3 例,股骨头塌陷、变形,t1wi与t2wi均为不规则形低信号3 例。

World's 4,776 mammal species; and 46 percent of the fish species analyzed.145

种的鸟类中12%;在4776 种哺乳类中23%;而在被研究的鱼类中46%。146

Combined, the brown and meadow soils cover about 64% of the total cultivated area; paddy soil 14.3%; saline-alkali soil 12.5%.


Ethnic Composition: Melanesian - 98%; white - 1%; Polynesian, Micronesian and Chinese - 1%.

民 族:美拉尼西亚人总人口的98%,白人1%,波利尼西亚人、密克罗尼西亚人和华人1%。

Ethnic Composition: Black- 85%; white- 14%, mestizo and Chinese 1%.

民 族:黑人85%,白人14%,混血和华人1%。

Ethnic Composition: Mixed Spanish-Italian- 88%; Mestizo- 8%; black- 4%.

民 族:西班牙和意大利混血种人88%,印欧混血种人8%,黑人4%。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
