英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among them, 134 strains were gram-positive bacteria (75.71%), and the coagulase negative staphylococcus was dominant; 43 strains were gram-negative bacteria (24.29%), and the Klebsiella pneumoniae was the most frequently isolated.


Results the overall injury prevalence was 4.58 ‰,and in details,the prevalence gender ratio(boys vs. girls) was 3.48. further analysis showed that the injury prevalence among adolescents was associated with the school types. the campus was the main place of injury occurrence (82.8%). incaution was the leading cause for adolescent injuries accounting for 85.5%. the leading four types of injuries were collision (56.9%),falls (28.8%),knife-cutting or sharp weapon hurt (4.7%) and traffic accidents (1.8%). the most common types of injury were fraction (41.6%) and trauma (36.4%).

结果 学生伤害的平均年发生率为4.58‰,男、女生伤害发生率比值为3.48;伤害发生率与校别有较密切的关系;学校是学生伤害发生的最主要场所,82.8%;不慎是造成学生伤害发生的最主要原因,伤害发生原因的85.5%;排在前4位的伤害类型依次是碰撞(56.9%)、跌落(28.8%)、切割穿刺(4.7%)、交通事故(1.8%);伤害性质主要以骨折和外伤为主,分别伤害数的41.6%和36.4%。

Religion: Christian Congregational- 50%, Roman Catholic- 20%, other- 30

宗 教:基督教新教50%,天主教20%,其他宗教30

The condition of self-consistency and Congruence in Recruit High self-consistency and Congruence group is 172, accunted for 15.2% of overall;norm group is 767, accunted for 67.8%of overall;low self-consistency and Congruence group is 192, accunted for 17% of overall.


Results In 646 patients of brain cysticercosis,vision was diminished in 78 patients.Ocular cysticercosis was noted in 28 patients.

结果 646例脑囊虫患者伴有视力下降者78例81眼,12.1%;合并眼部囊虫者28例,4.33%;有复视和眼球运动障碍者7例,8.97%。

The functional groups of insects in percentage were phytophagous 41.5%, decomposer 34.1%, and predaceous 9.3%.


Results Postoperative complications in COPD group and nonCOPD group included wound dehiscence (2 cases to 1 case), wound infection (3 cases to 7 cases), pneumonia (14 cases to 6 cases), respiratory failure (8 cases to 2 cases).

结果 合并COPD与无COPD的结直肠癌患者出现伤口裂开分别为2例和1例、伤口感染为3例和7例,肺部感染14例和6例(P.05),呼吸衰竭8例和2例(P.05)。术后住院时间:COPD组中< 14 d5例,14~21 d24例,>21 d7例。

objective to evaluate the value of infrared thermography in the diagnosis of injuries in such soft tissues as neck,shoulder,waist,leg,elbow and wrist.methods infrared thermograph (type wp-95) was used to do general physical check up for 221 young soldiers with a regular military training history ranging from 1 to 5 years,whose infrared thermograms were then compared with those of 100 new recruits without any military training experience.results there were abnormal thermograms on 180 (81.45%) of the 221 cases and 6 (6%) of the 100 new recruits (p.05.all of the 186 cases with abnormal thermograms were x-rayed with only 28 cases(i.e.15.05%) abnormal.there was a distinct difference between the two methods of physical check-up (p.05).conclusion infrared thermography manifests distinctive abnormal thermograms of soft tissue injuries suffered from military training,providing definite diagnostic message for clinic.to utilize infrared thermography correctly is of vital importance in ensuring the health of servicemen.

目的 探讨软组织损伤颈、肩、腰、腿、肘、腕红外热像图的诊断价值。方法应用wp-95型红外热像仪,对221例常规军事训练1~5年的年轻干部及战士进行红外热像仪的全身检查,并与刚入伍未参加训练的新兵100例进行对照。结果 221例经红外热像图检查发现颈、肩、腰、肘、腕出现异常热像图的有180例,81.45%;而100例新战士仅有6例颈、肩、腰、肘、腕出现异常热像图,6.00%,两者比较差异有显著性(p<0.05)。186例异常热像图受检者全部做x线摄片检查,x线摄片异常者仅28例,15.05%,两者检查比较差异有显著性(p.05)。结论红外热像图对军事训练所致软组织损伤有其独特的异常热像图,为临床提供明确的诊断信息,正确的使用红外热像图,对保证部队广大指战员的健康水平有着重要作用。

Caculated with carbon, the total amount of EPS was in the range of 6-17% of the dry cell weight.


About 1781 cases recently suffering from acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding were divided according to their ages into 3 groups and analysed. In the old-aged group the causative diseases were arranged in order of incidence as follows, gastric cancer, gastritis and gastric ulcer. Gastritis, duodenitis and duodenal ulcer were in the order of incidence in the middle-aged group.

本文总结 1,781例近期内有上消化道大出血的内窥镜检查资料,并按不同年龄组进行对比,发现老年组以胃癌出血首位,胃炎其次,胃溃疡为第三位;中年组胃炎出血首位,依次为十二指肠溃疡、胃溃疡;青年组以胃炎首位,依次为十二指肠溃疡、十二指肠炎。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
