英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

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As one of the common facilities in manufacturing enterprises, air compressors are widely used due to their capacity of producing compressed air. However , an authoritative survey shows that air compressor system consumes about 86%of the total energy cost within five years compared with purchase price that only accounts for 8% of total cost. This high volume of energy consummation invisibly increases enterprises' operational cost. However ,within the 90% of the cost for energy, main tenance and repair , 50% can be saved.


Religion: Animist 70%, Christian 20%, Moslem 10%.

宗 教:拜物教70%,基督教20%,伊斯兰教10

Results The results showed that the average concentration of the bacteria, fungi and total microbes in the outdoor environment were 5.04×10^4, 3.75×10^3 and 5.41×10^4 cfu/m^3 respectively and the fungi accounted for 6.92% of the total. The preliminary identification showed that the dominant bacteria mainly were Micrococcus, Bacillus, Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus and the average percentage were 37.3%, 21.0%, 10.3% and 9.5% respectively. Of the five fungi the dominant ones were Aspergillum, Penicillium, Mucor and Rhizopu. The average percentage were 42.0%, 36.0%, 4.4% and 4.2% respectively. Conclusion The outdoor air of Hefei has been polluted by airborne microbes.

结果 合肥城区空气细菌总数均值为5.04×10^4cfu/立方公尺,真菌总数均值为3.75×10^3cfu/立方公尺,合计为5.41×10^4 cfu/立方公尺,其中真菌6.92%;对不同采样点的空气细菌和真菌进行了初步鉴定,优势细菌属为微球菌属、芽孢杆菌属、假单胞菌属和葡萄球菌属,分别总细菌的37.3%,21.0%,10.3%,9.5%;真菌共检出5属,其中优势菌属为曲霉属、青霉属、毛霉属、根霉属,分别总真菌的42.0%,36.0 %,4.4%,4.2%。

Rank the reasons for postpartum hemorrhage are: uterine atony accounted for 66.67%, placental factors, accounting for 20% of the soft birth canal injuries accounted for 3%.


According to the avifauna, palaearctic and cosmopolitan species were 48, 26, which accounted for 64.86%, 35.14% respectively. The palaearctic species were the most, and Oriental species were not founded.


Besides, the following two features of the book seem to be very incomprehensible: on the one hand, the book includes a full-scale version of Western astrology, not only medical and meteorological one permitted by the Catholic Church, but even natal astrology forbiden by the chruch as well; on the other hand, at the high time when the Tychonic system of calendrical astronomy constructed by Johann Terrenz Schreck (1576-1630), Johann Adam Schall von Bell (1591–1666) and Giacomo Rho (1593-1638) had been contributed by Schall himself to the newly founded Qing dynasty which had officially adopted it immediately, Smogulecki was preaching in the book a system based on Philippe van Lansberge's (1516 – 1632) heliocentric astronomy, and openly claimed that Schall's Tychonic system still committed a number of deficiencies and was outdated, and therefore should be replaced with the Lanbergian system.

另外,该书的两大特点也令人不解:首先,其中包含有完整版本的西方星学知识,不仅包括天主教会允许的医学和气象星,而且还包含受教会禁止的生辰星;其次,在汤若望(Johann Adam Schall von Bell,字道未,1591–1666)等人介绍到中国来的弟谷天文学系统已经被清朝政府正式采纳,传教士的信誉已经微妙地与这种天文学系统紧密地联系在一起的情况下,穆尼阁居然在书中介绍了以哥白尼"日心地动"说为基础的斯伯格(Philippe van Lansberge, 1516 – 1632)天文学,而且还公然宣称,汤若望引进的系统存在许多不足之处,已经过时,应该用兰斯伯格的天文学加以取代。

After the actual data analysis, this article discovered that, the circulation stock and the law annual bonus account for the total capital stock proportion elevating, is advantageous to the promotion enterprise's management achievements, has confirmed this article the supposition which starts in the article to propose; But the national stock institute accounts for the enterprise total capital stock the proportion and the enterprise manages in the achievements overall to assume the negative influence, moreover because the state-owned stock generally accounts for the maximum proportion, therefore, the stockholder's rights centralizations manage the achievements in the this time also basic performance for the state-owned stock to the enterprise the influence, basically has also confirmed myself the supposition which proposed to the national stock.


Swimming biological spices is 108 kinds, including fish 89 kinds, accounting for the number of 82.41 % swimming species, shrimp 15 kinds, accounting for the number of 13.89%, rarely cephalopod, only 4 kinds, accounting for the number of 3.70%. They just appear in March, October and November in the southern waters through the evaluation.


Result Ciceritol, the main sugar in all the chickpea samples, accounted for about 50% of the total α-GOS, and stachyose account for about 35%.


Ethnic Composition: Arab 98%(Palestinian 60%), Circassian 1%, Armenian 1%.

民 族:阿拉伯人98%(其中60%以上是巴勒斯坦人),彻尔克斯人1%,亚美尼亚人1%。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
