英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The nerve root adumbration disintered completely after O3 injection,submerging sign disappeared about 28%,most nerve root disintered,submerging sign partly disappeared about 50%,no nerve root disinter about 22%.


Since the 14th century, Byzantine scholars migrated to the west in succession because of the pressure of the Ottoman Turkish army's powerful offensive. When the Byzantine Empire faced the crisis of surviving, in order to save the empire, more Byzantine scholars migrated to the West to seek help from Latin West which is of the same religion with them.


Results there 93.7% of the pa strains were serotyped (703/750) and the main serotypes were type g, b, l and f, occupied 26.3%(197/750),12.0%(90/750),10.4%(78/750), and 10.2%(77/750), respectively.

结果 750株pa分型率为93.7%(703/750);以g、b、l、f型为主,其中g型197株26.3%、b型90株12.0%, l型78株10.4%,f型77株10.2%。

The mean doses to the left and right parotid of 30% volume were (31.1±3.48) and (31.4±3.80) Gy, respectively, which those of 60% volume were (20.7±2.68) and (20.8±3.91) Gy, respectively. The patients of the mean doses ≤26 Gy and ≤30 Gy to the left and right parotids were 35.3%(12 cases) and 23.5%(8 cases), 82.4%(28 cases) and 73.5%(25 cases) respectively.


Results Of 1843 nursemaids, 21(1.14%) were Syphilis infection, 70(3.80%) were Hepatitis B antigen positive, 38(2.06%) were vaginal candidiasis infection and 82(4.45%) were trichomonas vaginitis.

结果 1843名保姆中梅毒感染者21例,1.14%;乙肝表面抗原阳性70例,3.80%;阴道念珠菌感染38例,2.06%;阴道滴虫感染82例,4.45%。

The results showed that 177.24 kg·hm^-2 N had been removed by corn harvesting and 1.03 kg·hm^-2 by water and soil erosion, which accounted for 99.42% and 0.58% of the total N removal respectively in treatment with integrated contour hedgerows strip+contour cropping+balanced fertilization.


The forest land that did not produce change is occupied 76.88%, farmland is occupied 60.38%, construction is occupied with the ground 52.11%, system of sanded ground, water and meadow are occupied only respectively 32.64%, 28.72% with 2.7%.


But in fermented juice, the most of volatile components is esters, about 74.92%, the propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, butyl ester is 64.36%.


Methods A total of 1800 blood culture sets were obtained from inpatients and outpatients. For each culture 8 ml of blood was inocu-lated into both the aerobic and anaerobic standard bottle of BacT / Alert system.

结果 1 800份血液标本用 BacT/Alert全自动血液培养仪检测,检出阳性标本 363份(20.2%);平均假阳性率为1.6%;系统总体阳性出现时间分别为≤10小时20.8%;10~24小时41.6%;24~48小时35.6%;超过48小时报告阳性2%。

The results of a total of 900 samples the number of prescriptions, the use of the prescription of antibiotics for 244, accounting for 27.11% of the total number of prescriptions, one of 186 joint prescriptions, accounting for 76.23%, 52 two-prescription, accounting for 21.31%, three Triple Alliance and more than six prescriptions, accounting for 2.46%.

结果 总共抽取处方数900张,使用抗生素处方为244张,处方总数的27.11%,其中一联处方186张,76.23%,二联处方52张,21.31%,三联及三联以上处方6张,2.46%。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
