英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The most suicide reasons were unsuccessive love, failed love husband and wife in disagreement and troubles. Some suicides were addicted to drinking and taking drugs. Some suicides had suicide before.

结果 青年服毒者以女性为多,85%;工人、农民73.3%;文化程度在初中以下者75%;女性服毒半数以上发生在月经前期,自杀原因大多为恋爱受挫、夫妻矛盾、家庭纠纷(76.7%);部分自杀者有酒精或药物成瘾史及自杀未遂史。

The result pointed out that the vertical distribution of foliage for each species was different,however,generally speaking,the foliage in upper crown (0.3CL) for broad-leaved species in natural secondary forest took a small percentage,about 10%;in middle or middle lower of the crown(0.4CL to 0.8CL) the branches here took the majority percentage of whole foliage,almost 60%to 75%;but in lower crown(0.8CL),there was about 10%of whole foliage.(5)The interspecies competition of trees in secondary forest was expressed by Hegyi competitioin index,and the active competitor was calculated by the competition zone radius and the tree position,DBH,and distance in the zone,it was not all competitors in tranditional calculation.The study introduced crown area overlap index to describe the crown competition between subject tree and its competitors,furthermore,the crown area was classified into 5 levels with a method of equal crown projection area,therefor,the resulting crown area overlap index showed more realities of existing stand conditons.(6)Based on the theoretics of multiply divide,the spatial strcture optimizing model of secondary forest stand selective thinning was developed by diversity mingling,aggregation index,competition index and crown area overlap index,also designed 10 constraint conditions which were related to forestry meanings,the objective function was solved by the implicit enumeration method with LINGO 9.0,using 0-1 integer programming.


The markets are just as kind to other euro-zone spendthrifts. Government bonds from Greece (deficit last year, 5.2% of GDP; debt, 108%; but GDP growth, healthy) yield about the same as Italy's. Those from Portugal (deficit, 6%; debt, 63%; growth, perkier this year after a feeble run) yield ten basis points less.


The deep cultivation-root cutting in before winter stage would increasethe weight and ratio of root system in middle and lower layer,the resultswould decrease the root redundancy.


In addition, judging from China's industrial structure of agriculture, developed countries accounted for dairy farming and animal husbandry output value of fisheries output lin 20%, accounting for 40 percent of animal husbandry output value, while the output value of China's dairy industry accounts for farmers and fisheries Lin GDP only 3%, accounting for 10% of animal husbandry output value, the difference is very great.


Methods rupture of subarachnoid htmorrhage CT trauma 20 patients with documented adrenal the contrecoup injury were retrospectivelyt evaluated blindly for the features of location ,size , morphology and attenuation on CT,DSA images, and compared with clinical and pathological materials Results the of 20 persons the rupture of subarachnoid htmorrhage no injury .headache ,complexion white consciousness balk,stupor fuction balk, CT subarachnoid htmorrhage ,al DSA, DSA show intracranial aneurysm (10cases, 51%),AVM ( 4 cases , 20%), SAE(3 cases , 15%), the moyamoya disease(1 cases , 5%).

结果 本组20例均无外伤情况下出现头痛,面色苍白,一过性意识障碍,昏迷局灶神经功能障碍,CT证实均为自发性蛛网膜下腔出血,均行DSA, DSA显示:颅内小动脉瘤破裂所致最多见,共10例(约51%)。其次为高血压动脉硬化3例(15%)和动静脉畸形破裂所致4例(20%),另外1例(5%)病人是烟雾病。DSA造影后即血管内弹簧圈栓塞治疗。

The study result indicates that the most suitable subzone for ecotourism exploitation distributes from the east of Nantianmen to Xiheizui in Zhouzhi county, from the north of Fangyangsi to Dacha and from the north of Dadian to Xiangshuishi in Mei county, which is 17.298 percent of Taibai Mountain Nature Preserve; the moderately suitable subzone(16.64%) distributes in north slope of Taibai Mountain in west of Taibailiang; the suitable subzone(27.68%) distributes from Taibailiang, Laomiaozi to Longdonggou, and disperses in north slope of Taibai Mountain; the marginal suitable and unsuitable subzone(16.64%) distributes from east Taibai Mountain, Baxiantai to Paomaliang, and from Aoshan Mountian to the north and east of Yaowang temple.


In career choices, staff and freelances for 8%; In monthly income, only 2% of the crowd of more than 5000, 5000 accounted for less than 8%-- for low-income groups in the absolute superiority, the second part of your main contact point : choose love than to choose the house, and this shows that the kind of "moral degeneration is getting worse day by day, saying" that is not correct, or that some time ago the symbol of a city,"Ms. 9% choose to marry house," the conclusions of questionable information.


The result of the antibacterial and antifungal assay shows that thirty five strains of the endofungi (58.3% of total tested strains) have antibacterial activities, the active strains mostly belong to sterile groups (51.4% of active strains), Penicillium (8.6%), Aspergillus (8.6%), Fusarium(8.6%); forty nine strains (81.7% of total tested strains) have antifungal activites, most of them belong to sterile groups (44.9% of active strains), and Gloeosporium (17.1%).

结果 共有35株内生真菌具有抗细菌活性,待侧菌株总数的58.3%,其中以不产孢类、青霉属、曲霉属、镰孢属为主,分别活性菌株总数的 51.4%、8.6%、8.6%、8.6%;共有49株内生真菌具有抗真菌活性,待侧菌株总数的81.7%,其中以不产孢类和盘长孢属为主,分别活性菌株总数的44.9%、17.1%。

Organics which could be volatilised easily or difficultly decreased fast at the early days, then decreased slow, but the organics which can volatilised easily decreased faster. Hydrophilic organics in the raw water decreased , while hydrophobe organics incresed. 4 Stainless steel and acid-resistant keramics showed less effect on the water's qulity, while the fiber steel which had used for storage in the experiment showed great effect.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
