英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The pathogenesis pathology of lumbar spinal canal stenosis:Lumbar posterior marginal cartilage node (67 cases,44.67%);Intervertebral disc calcification (45 cases,30%);Lumbar posterior marginal osteophytic formation(29 cases,19.33%);Post longitudinal ligaments calcification(9 cases,6%).


The frequency of particular amino acids in signal peptides by statistical approach was 48.54% for hydrophobic, 18.67% for uncharged, 24.54% for negative and 8.00% for positive amino acids. The most frequent amino acid was alanine, and the least was isoleucine. Three classes of signal peptides were found in the genome of P. syringae pv. tomato, 501 ORFs belong to secretary signal peptides, 36 ORFs belong to twin-arginine signal peptides, and 15 ORFs belong to lipoprotein signal peptides. Type IV pilin signal peptide and bacteriocins and pheronones signal peptide was not found in the genome.


Results: thirty cases were cured and 7 cases were improved, accounting for 83% and 13.7% respectively; 8 cases gave up treatment, accounting for 15.7%; 6 cases died, accounting for 11.8%.of the 6 died infants, 5 cases died of respiratory failure and pulmonary hemorrhage; 3 cases were sclerema neonatorum, 3 cases were very low birth weight infants; 3 cases' gestational age was less than 32 weeks, 1 case had intrauterine growth retardation, 1 case had asphyxia history of birth, 1 case had infection history , 1 case had convulsion history (suspected intracranial hemorrhage).


Results: findings on 2d us included: irregular shape or spiculate margin were in 163 of 168 (97.0%) breast cancer; heterogeneous and hypoechoic echoes were in 165 of 168 cases (98.2%); micro calcification were in 86 of 168 cases (51.2%). in cdfi, blood flow was 98.8% found. 151 cases (90.9%) were found perforating blood vessels.

结果: 二维超声中,病灶形态不规则或有蟹足样突起者97.0%,病灶内部回声低而不均匀者98.2%,其中有微钙化者51.2%,彩色多普勒血流显像中血流信号的检出率为98.8%,其中90.9%有穿入性血流,阻力指数≥0.70者78.3%。

Particular inspection was given on the microstructure of gastric regenerative mucosa.Results Fiftyfive patients' lesions were benign and the morphology of gastric mucosa was classified as follows: fenced,spindled,node.

结果 55例良性溃疡中栅状再生黏膜3.6%,纺锤状再生黏膜16.4%,结节状再生黏膜12.7%,两种或两种以上再生黏膜67.3%。3例早期癌的再生黏膜均为结节状再生黏膜。

Particular inspection was given on the microstructure of gastric regenerative mucosa.Results Fifty?five patients' lesions were benign and the morphology of gastric mucosa was classified as follows: fenced,spindled,node.

结果 55例良性溃疡中栅状再生黏膜3.6%,纺锤状再生黏膜16.4%,结节状再生黏膜12.7%,两种或两种以上再生黏膜67.3%。3例早期癌的再生黏膜均为结节状再生黏膜。

It was seen that the main microflora causing the spoilage of fresh mutton meat consisted of 3 gram-positive bacilli with spore (about 30% of the micro flora), 1 gram-positive coccus (about 2% of the whole microflora), 3 gram-negative spirilla (about 63% of the whole microflora), and 1 gram-negative bacillus (about 5% of the whole microflora). Potassium sorbate, EDTA and nisin were used as preservatives to inhibit the growth of the main strains representative for the spoilage of fresh lamb meat.


Enterprises existing staff of 70, production accounted for 35% of research and development accounts for 32% of sales staff, 18% business managers accounted for 15%. 2002 ISO9001 quality management system certification, it is the largest series of succinic acid and its product manufacturers, more than 60% of products exported to Europe and the United States. southeast Asian countries and regions.


The adaptive ones accounted for 54%, moderate adaptive ones accounted for 27% of the total, less adaptive ones for 11%, unadaptive ones for 8%.


It showed that, the total emergy input and output of planting were 7.97×1022sej and 3.24×1022sej respectively. Of the total emergy input, unrenewable industrial emergy was 52.9%, and renewable emergy was 47.1% which including 20.9% of renewable environment resource and 26.1% of renewable organic emergy.

结果表明:总能值投入为7.97×1022sej,作物能值总产出为3.24×1022sej;不可更新工业辅助能总能值投入的 52.9%,可更新能值投入总能值投入的比例为47.1%(可更新环境资源20.9 %、可更新有机能26.1%),系统能值货币比率为1.98×1011sej。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
