英语人>网络例句>博蒙特 相关的搜索结果


与 博蒙特 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When Pope Victor II died, in 1057, their leaders did not wait for any news of what the German overlord proposed, but straightway, within four days, elected a pope, the cardinal who was abbot of Monte Cassino, Frederick of Lorraine, Stephen IX.


At the cinema on Saturdays, sneaked in free by his usher-brothers, he would watch sad-eyed Bogart in his raincoat, wreathed in smoke; John Wayne squinting into the sun from under the brim of his stetson, lighting up; Montgomery Clift getting the girl while the plume of his cigarette described a perfect treble clef.


During the autopsy the toxicologist Raymond Abernathy found her blood concentration of pentobarbital {Nembutal} to be 4.5 mg percent. This converts to 45 ppm {parts per million}.

尸检时,毒物学专家雷蒙特·阿博纳赛发现梦露体内血液中"戊巴比妥"的含量4.5mg%,相当于45 ppm。

Chemical Philosophers:Chemical Medicine from Paracelsus to Van Helmont,载于《科学史》History

狄博斯的其他相关研究论著包括:《化学论哲学家:从帕拉塞尔苏斯到范·赫尔蒙特的化学论医学》 The

Platina puts Martino's "Libro" in regional context, writing about ingredients coming from the regions, including perch from Lake Maggiore, sardines from Lake Garda, grayling from Adda, hens from Padua, olives from Bologna and Piceno, turbot from Ravenna, rudd from Lake Trasimeno, carrots from Viterbo, bass from Tiber, roviglioni and shad from Lake Albano, snails from Rieti, figs from Tuscolo, grapes from Narni, oil from Cassino, oranges from Naples and moray from Campania.

普拉提纳了马蒂诺的"书"的区域范围内,写成分来自各地区,包括来自马焦雷湖鲈鱼,沙丁鱼从加尔达湖,格雷从阿达,母鸡从帕多瓦,橄榄从博洛尼亚和皮切诺,大菱鲆从拉文纳,陆克文湖Trasimeno ,胡萝卜从维泰博,低音从伯, roviglioni和鲥鱼阿尔巴诺湖,蜗牛从瑞耶提,从Tuscolo无花果,葡萄从Narni ,石油从蒙特卡西诺,橙子从那不勒斯和鳝由坎帕尼亚。

In an amusing chapter entitled "L' poque des Duchesses", he recounts with relish the fancy-dress balls given by Count tienne de Beaumont, who "encouraged exhibitionism and transvestism" and "always managed to upstage his guests by appearing in one spectacularly androgynous costume after another, designed by himself."

在一个名为"公爵的时代(L' poque des Duchesses)"的有趣章节中,他津津乐道地叙述了艾蒂安纳·德·博蒙特伯爵举行的一场化装舞会,也就是这位伯爵鼓励了毕加索作品中的"裸露癖与异性装扮癖",他也总是穿着一件又一件由自己设计的引人入胜的两性服装,以设法无礼地对待他的客人。

Dec 2009 Network operators need to upgrade the 3G wireless network urgently, according to a report from Unwired Insight, which predicts that mobile web traffic will increase by more than 20 times over the next four years.

博蒙特 据一份来自《无线洞察》的报告预测,未来四年里,移动网络流量将增加20多倍,所有网络运营商都需要紧急升级各自的3G无线网。

Virtually every top factory driver, as well as the best privateers, from around the country raced throughout the week at the beautifully prepared Thunder Alley off-road track in Beaumont, California.

几乎每一个顶端工厂司机,以及最佳privateers ,来自全国各地的比赛,本周整个一周在美丽的准备雷声大巷小康道路的轨道在博蒙特,加利福尼亚州。

In an amusing chapter entitled "L' poque des Duchesses", he recounts with relish the fancy-dress balls given by Count tienne de Beaumont, who "encouraged exhibitionism and transvestism" and "always managed to upstage his guests by appearing in one spectacularly androgynous costume after another, designed by himself."

在一个名为&公爵的时代(L' poque des Duchesses)&的有趣章节中,他津津乐道地叙述了艾蒂安纳·德·博蒙特伯爵举行的一场化装舞会,也就是这位伯爵鼓励了毕加索作品中的&裸露癖与异性装扮癖&,他也总是穿着一件又一件由自己设计的引人入胜的两性服装,以设法无礼地对待他的客人。

Caribbean Basin Initiative countries include: Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, Bonaire, The British Virgin Islands, Curaao, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
