英语人>网络例句>博弈 相关的搜索结果


与 博弈 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This was no longer a zero-sum game.


In the long run, participation in the information age may not be a zero-sum game.


To deal with various risks in the production of space,local governments have to cease the monopolization in land requisition and expropriation,and establish the balance of interests between correlative groups and national institutions in the circulation of lands.To deal with risks in the games of new society,local governments must adjust the systems and policies concerned,and avoid just scratching the surface of a problem.To deal with risks in reallocation of social resources and social administration concerned with policy output,many local governments already have material condition to effectively break them,and the key is to improve their administerial skills in policy making and implementation.To deal with risks in vicious competition between city governments in urbanization,which are actually the manifest of malfunction of market mechanism,local governments must put the centralization mechanism into full play,and strengthen the social check and balance mechanism,in order to effectively regulate market mechanism and realize the organic interactions between social units,democracy,and market.


The main research results in this dissertation can be given as following:Firstly, the bidding strategies and affections of generation companies on the TOU power price are analyzed; Supply function model is employed to simulate the bidding strategies of generation companies in power pool. Some meaningful results are obtained through the proposed equilibrium equations model, when different bidding parameters are selected to maximize profit of suppliers, such as the the numeral of generation company, the block bidding, and power demand elasticity. Based on these results, the affections between the bidding strategies and the TOU power price are discussed.Secondly, the important principles consider the factor of bidding strategies of generation companies and consumers gaming strategies are proposed to constitute the new TOU power price model under present electricity market. Based on these pricinples a new mathematical model of TOU power price is constructed, to evade electricity market risk, partition the peak-valley, ascertain the consumers' response curve, and protect the ambilateral profits.Thirdly, the affections of the TOU power price strategies for reducing the network loss, adjusting node voltage, improving load curve of power system, and protecting the consumers' benefits in electricity market are analyzed with applications of a city real time load data of Jiangsu province.


Based on the assets specificity, this paper establishes the evolutionary game model under shareholding cooperative system and takes the degree of assets specificity、the size of appropriable quasi-rents、 cooperative surplus and average rate of return on capital as the major factors for the stability of the capital and the stability of the ownership structure.


Firstly, this paper discussed the principle and agent theory, the corporate governance theory and supervision theory. Second, the paper analyzed special several-levels principle-agent relations of the state-owned enterprise, and used the principle -agent theory and the game theory to analyze several problems caused by this, such as the supervision function avianization about the owner, the enterpriser"s rent-seeking activity, the enterpriser"s conspiracy behavior and the insider control. Thirdly, the paper discussed the present situation of the supervision and restraint system from the management model of the three-levels authorization, financial general supervision system, the corporate governance and the outsider supervision and restraint system. The paper thought that the supervision and restraint system had the following problems: supervision and restraint system was imperfect, the property right restraint was lack, the restraint system was administrative and the supervision system was deformity.


The control advantageous position that capitalist of danger of poineering home aweather changes is the signal that shows its type, this is problem of play chess of rich of trends of a not complete information.


Based on the field work among the Azande and the analysis of ancient Chinese logic and the logic of Buddhism, this paper attempts to provide factual information for the argument for the "culture-based relativity of logic" in a descriptive way. Taking the deductive method as the classical research method, this paper argues for the existence of the culture-based relativity of logic in modern culture and other cultures. The validity of this argument is based on the findings of ethnographic as well as historical studies. This paper also seeks to prove by studying the interactions between different languages and ways of life that the classical research method was also built on cultural relativity.


An often defensive and secretive Chinese bureaucracy up against a bewilderingly complex mishmash of competing interests in America will not make for harmony.


Through the game analysis based on the Audit Cahoot and contracts analysis based on the Knowledge Reciprocal Spillover, this thesis gets the summary that the relationship between non-audit services and audit quality depends on the combination of negative impact to audit independent and positive impact to the professional skills of auditors.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
