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与 南 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This world, bonze is the most ordinary, can everybody wants to notice, the bonze nowadays is the richest, allegedly south the Shaolin Temple of little little brother of the Supreme Being should appear on the market.


Or there is a bookstand at Chung king south road, the owner got some different types of the euro tapes.


Assuming Mulvey to be the first term of his series, Penrose, Bartell d'Arcy, professor Goodwin, Julius Mastiansky, John Henry Menton, Father Bernard Corrigan, a farmer at the Royal Dublin Society's Horse Show, Maggot O'Reilly, Matthew Dillon, Valentine Blake Dillon, Christopher Callinan, Lenehan, an Italian organgrinder, an unknown gentleman in the Gaiety Theatre, Benjamin Dollard, Simon Dedalus, Andrew Burke, Joseph Cuffe, Wisdom Hely, Alderman John Hooper, Dr Francis Brady, Father Sebastian of Mount Argus, a bootblack at the General Post Office, Hugh E.


The third President of the United States was the second carved into the side of South Dakota's Mount Rushmore–and it took sculptor Gutzon Borglum two tries to get Thomas Jefferson right.

第三任美国总统的头像是第二个雕到达科他文拉什莫尔山边上的,雕刻家Gutzon Borglum尝试了两次才把托马斯-杰弗逊弄好。

"Rushmore National Monument", stone heads, the United States by the well-known painter and sculptor Gaisang Borglum (1867 - 1941) in 1927 to 1941 between the completion of the initial creation and, in the United States, South Dakota Black Mountain south-west, 600 feet high peaks of Mount Rushmore on.

拉什莫尔国家纪念碑》,石雕头像,由美国著名画家和雕塑家格桑·博格勒姆( 1867 –1941)在1927年至1941年间创作并初步完成,位于美国达科他州西部布莱克山区,高 600英尺的拉什莫尔山山峰上。

Cast ::, Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken , Lee Van Cleef as Hauk , Ernest Borgnine as Cabbie , Donald Pleasence as Boss , Isaac Hayes as A Duke , Season Hubley as Girl in Chock Full O'Nuts , Harry Dean Stanton as Brain , Adrienne Barbeau as Maggie , Tom Atkins as Rehme , Charles Cyphers as Secretary of State , Joe Unger as Taylor , Frank Doubleday as Romero , John Strobel as Cronenberg , John Cothran Jr .


Well, our office is near the botanical garden, on the Yang-ping south road .


Plant of institute of science of state-maintaineding university of she and Australia and botanist Dr.


But what with the murky light, the botchy print, the tattered cover, the jigjagged page, the fumbling fingers, the fox trotting fleas, the lie a bed lice, the scum on his tongue, the drop in his eye, the lump in his throat, the drink in his pottle, the itch in his palm, the wail of his wind, the grief from his breath, the fog of his brainfag, the tic of his con science , the height of his rage, the gush of his fundament, the fire in his gorge, the tickle of his tail, the rats in his garret, the hullabaloo and the dust in his ears, since it took him a month to steal a march, he was hard set to memorize more than a word a week.


But what with the murky light, the botchy print, the tattered cover, the jigjagged page, the fumbling fingers, the fox trotting fleas, the lie a bed lice, the scum on his tongue, the drop in his eye, the lump in his throat, the drink in his pottle, the itch in his palm, the wail of his wind, the grief from his breath, the fog of his brainfag, the tic of his conscience, the height of his rage, the gush of his fundament, the fire in his gorge, the tickle of his tail, the rats in his garret, the hullabaloo and the dust in his ears, since it took him a month to steal a march, he was hard set to memorize more than a word a week.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
