英语人>网络例句>南 相关的搜索结果

与 南 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

South Carolina on January 19th will be a bare-knuckle scrap.


In North America and Latin America, the W hotel will enter and be stationed in Austin, the Atlanta Barke Hiter area, the Atlanta center, Boston, the Rhode Dai fort, south Huo Boken, Hollywood, the Huntington beach, New York town center, San Diego, Miami the beach as well as Washington D.C.

在北美洲和拉丁美洲,W 酒店将进驻奥斯汀、亚特兰大巴克海特区、亚特兰大市中心、波士顿、罗德岱堡、霍博肯、好莱坞、亨廷顿海滩、纽约市中心、圣地亚哥、迈阿密海滩以及华盛顿特区。

Is this Barnum or Bailey?


Barratt and Church and Brennan Allan have put their other business ventures on hold.


L. Barratt,"What Speakers Don Notice: Language Changes Can Sneak In," in Innovation and Continuity in Language and Communication of Different Language Cultures, ed.


Mended, just put everything they thought necessary arrangements after Bartleby and his friends discovered his work as well overdone - came from all over the hundreds like them, many universities are refusing to be People stand in the "South Harmon Institute of Technology" in the door, asked to join the second floor of this total only a small building of the college.


The determined thermal conductivity values vary from 0882 to 678 W/m?K and the calculated heat flow values in Jianghan Basin range from 419 to 609 mW/m2,with a average of 523 mW/m2.It shows that the influence of tectonothermal event before Cenozoic in Jianghan Basin has faded away,and the basin has cooled down.

结果显示江汉盆地热流419~609 mW/m2,平均523 mW/m2,盆地总体表现为较低的大地热流,反映了中新生代以来构造活动逐渐减弱,盆地不断冷却的结果;从盆地内热流分布看,热流分布高北低,反映了江汉盆地构造活动的不均一性。

The light carrier Bataan (CVL 29) joined Task Force 77 on 16 December, too late to help the Marines, but in time for the last stages of the Hungnam evacuation.

轻型航空母舰"巴丹半岛"号(CVL 29)于12月16日才加入第77特遣舰队,未能为海军陆战队提供什么帮助,但该舰却及时赶上了兴撤军的最后一幕。

Upon his release, the children continue south and are taken in by a Bavarian farmer called Kurt.


The scene was recorded in late November near Namche Bazar, Nepal, gateway to the Himalayan mountain range.


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
