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High salinity fluid inclusionscontaining daughter minerals have been found in quartz and ankerite of main mineralizingstages, Taibai and Baguamiao gold deposits of Shaanxi province, located in South Qinling.Both deposits occur in Devonian low-grade metamorphic rocks. Daughter minerals weredetected as pyrite, ankerite, halite and arsenopyrite by SEM/EDS and EPMA.


We noticed that in the specimens of robustaustralopithecines,there were characteristics of the anklebone thatwould haveaffected its bipedal locomotion, said Gary Schwartz, anArizonaState University anthropologist.


ZhangFu had governed Annam for 10 years, conquest, subjugation, garrison were his three aspects in Annamese activity and were this period a main contents of Sino-Viet relation.


This event was a central annular eclipse of short duration that was visible from Antarctica and the South Pacific Ocean.


The time of the anomalous warm water poleward propagation is about 1 year or so.

其传播过程持续大约 1年的时间,但未发现沿赤道流的西传现象。

Existing research results in various oceanatmosphere coupled models are comprehensively analyzed based on three aspects: the impact of SOFF on global thermohaline circulation and sealevel change and the propagation path of anomalous signal induced by SOFF. A wide range of different viewpoints on the SOFF are summarized; controversial questions are discussed and valuable research directions in the future are suggested. Furthermore, a perspective on the research prospect of this topic under global warming is provided.


Further, we investigated the possible impact of SDP on ENSO event in interannual scale by researching the anomalous characteristics of sea temperature, wind, convergence and divergence, total cloud amount, radiation and so on. The results showed that the influence of SDP on ENSO involve not only the process of positive and negative air-sea feedback, but also the interaction between atmospheric circulation over tropical and subtropical, specially the eastward propagation of anomalous zonal wind from the equatorial Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Otherwise, it also relates, to some extent, to the transition of large-scale climatic mean flow over the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.


During the maximum of the 23rd solar cycle, the high energy particle radiation in the South Atlantic Anomy of 860 km altitude had been detected for more than three years by the space particle composition detector.


After a long crossing from 2Ushuaia heading 3due east via the 4Falklands , I was able to experience the beauty of Antarctica: 5South Georgia , inside the Antarctic Circle but as green as it is white, and as interesting for its human history as for its inhuman isolation.


He was the first man to sail the antarctic Ocean.


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
