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与 南 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the current kinship structure of Nanching, family holds a vital position as a basic economy and living unit; the influence of the affinal relation increase; the conception of sub-lineage lessens further and the lineage changes into a kind of sodality organization for ancestor worship.


Hotels often position the beds facing east, south, or west, so the afterworld doesn't get the wrong idea.


As any of the aboriginal languages in Taiwan, it is a polysyllabic agglutinative language with a stress at the last syllable of a word and without tones.


Established in January 1999, it's editor is longtime Western journalist, Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, who says "at this moment in time, I'm proud, very proud, to be writing for a Russian newspaper." On August 29, 2008, his opinion piece titled "Abkhazia, Georgia, Kosovo, South Ossetia and something called international law" presented a different view from the dominant US media's daily anti-Russian agitprop.

成立于1999年1月,它的编辑器是长期的西方记者,提摩太班克劳馥- hinchey ,谁说:"在这个时刻,在时间,我很骄傲,非常自豪,以写作为俄罗斯报"对2008年8月29日,他认为这块名为"格鲁吉亚阿布哈兹,科索沃,奥塞梯和一些所谓的国际法"提出了不同的看法,从占主导地位的美国媒体的每日反俄agitprop 。

Ahamed Idris, MD, professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, told Medscape that the new training protocol directs dispatchers to ask if the patient is awake and conscious and if the patient is moving. The dispatcher then asks if the patient is breathing normally."Because agonal breathing often sounds like gasping or snoring, the dispatcher is then instructed to ask the 911 caller to tell the dispatcher when the next breath occurs. If there are 10 or more seconds between breaths, the dispatcher tells the caller to begin CPR," he said.

德州达拉斯德州大学西分校医学中心Ahamed Idris医师向Medscape表示,新的训练流程将导引急救人员询问清醒的、以及仍有动作的病患;如果病患可以正常呼吸,急救人员接著询问各个问题;因为临终前呼吸通常听起来像喘气或是打呼,急救人员接著被教导要求拨打911的目击者通知急救人员,当下一次呼吸发生时,如果呼吸之间间隔10秒以上,急救人员告诉目击者开始CPR。

After spending a month overseeing agonisingly slow negotiations between Kenya's government and opposition , he was close to a power-sharing deal to save the country from more killing and instability .


Former United Nations chief Kofi Annan is the chairman of AGRA.


"It's a race against time," said Antonio Hernandez, an agronomist who advises the farmers for a coalition of farming associations in Jalisco state.


With the aidance of the MSTC in the South Campus, and under the hard work of the Foundation Committee, the new branch enrolls successfully in the Communist Youth League Committee of the East Campus and holds her first lecture on the East Campus.


But Bill Clinton said "'I need to be in South Carolina,'" the aide said.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
