英语人>网络例句>单糖 相关的搜索结果


与 单糖 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Observe the effects of decreasing blood sugar and kidney-enriching formula to renal structure and function of diabetic nephropathy model of rat caused by STZ, hyperlipin feed and renal hemiresection. Reveal its mechanism on the aspect of pathology, carbohydrate metabolism, renal hemodynamics and blood lipin through the contradistinctive and classified research on the medicinal constituent of the formula.


Under such conditions,concentration and conversion rate of syrup were 92% and 94.2% respectively.


Kyoho Grape was employed as the plant material. The plants were treated with the cyanamide to induce bud shooting. The changes of the endogenous hormone and organic matter contents as well as amylase activity were detected at the dormancy release stage.


Today, more and more people realize these problems, more natural and nutritious products are in their purchase list, and the Demerara Sugar is one of the best choices for you.


The neurological functional recovery of stroke rats is assessed by Longa 5 grades. Sucrose solution consumption test and open-field test are used to estimate the change of interest, the level of spontaneous motor activities and investigative behavior of PSD rat model. Fluorophotometry is applied to detect the monoamine neurotransmitters(NE 5-HT and DA) of the double frontal-parietal cortexes and brain stem.

运用Longa 5分法评定卒中大鼠神经功能;运用糖水消耗实验、敞箱实验评定PSD大鼠的抑郁行为学改变;采用荧光分光度法测定双侧额顶皮层及脑干的单胺递质:去甲肾上腺素、5-羟色胺(5-HT)、多巴胺的含量。

On the basis, further isolated-living condition and moderate unpredictable stress are applied successively to set up PSD rat model . The neurological functional recovery of stroke rat is assessed by Longa 5 grades and horizontal bar test.Sucrose solution consumption test, open-field test and passive avoid test are used to estimate the change of interest, the level of spontaneous motor activities and investigative behavior of PSD rat model.Fluorophotometry is applied to detect the monoamine neurotransmitters(NE,5-HT and DA) of the double frontal-parietal cortexes and brain stem. Investigating the action of YuLeShu on the neurological functional recovery of stroke rat.


Chitosan embrocation can improve the damage healing, but can't decrease the occurrence rate of skin damage.


Nutrition information Serving size:38.8g in 20ml of water Serves per can:23 Prepared food Avg Qty Per Serve % Daily intake per serve Avg qty per 100ml Major nutrients Energy Protein Carbohydrate -sugars -lactose -dextrose -sucrose -unavailable CHO Dietary Fibre -FOS Sodium Fats Fats-total -Saturated -Trans -Monounsaturated -Polyunsaturated -Total Omega3 -ALAa -VLC Omega3 -DHAb -EPAct -DPAdt Vitamins and minerals Vitamin A Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Thiamin (B1) Riboflavin (B2) Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12# Niacin (B3) Folic Acid Vitamin C Calcium Iodine Iron Phosphorous Magnesium Zinc

营养信息服务大小: 38.8克在二〇毫升水每次可以提供: 23 准备食物数量平均每个服务%,每日摄入量每服务平均数量每100毫升主要营养素能源蛋白质碳水化合物-糖乳糖一葡萄糖蔗糖,无法町膳食纤维- fos基因钠油脂油脂总饱和反,单,多总计Omega3 ,阿拉,可变长编码Omega3 - DHAb - EPAct - DPAdt 维生素和矿物质维生素A 维生素D3 维生素E 硫胺素( B1 )核黄素(素B2 )维生素B6 维生素B12 #烟酸( B3的)叶酸维生素C钙碘铁磷镁锌

Nov.. The main symptoms of the bacterial disease on Vigna angularis were canker of stalk.The strains were straight or curved rods; polar flagellum one; Gram-negative; could infect Vigna angularis、 Glycine max、 Vigna radata、 Vigna umbellate、 Phaseolus vulgaris、 Pisum sativum、 Pisum sativum var.humlie; oxidase negative; nitrate reduction negative; 5% glucose agar mucilage positive; esculin hydrolysis positive; starch negative; milk hydrolysis positive; H_2S positive; acid from L-arabinose, D-mannose, D-galactose, cellobiose, trehalose and fructose; 5%NaCl positive; G+Cmol%-69%.

红小豆溃疡病主要症状为茎部溃疡;各菌株菌体均杆状;极生鞭毛1根;革兰氏染色阴性;人工接种能侵染多种豆科植物;好氧;氧化酶阴性;硝酸盐反应阴性;5%葡萄糖营养琼脂黏液生长阳性;七叶灵水解阳性;淀粉水解阴性;牛奶分解产碱;产生硫化氢;能从阿拉伯糖等产酸;最大耐盐量为5%;G+Cmol%为69%等特征,根据《手册》9th ed相关部分,确定该病由野油菜黄单胞菌苜蓿致病变种Xanthomonas campestris pv.alfalfae(Riker,Jones et Davis 1935)Dye 19781引起。

The surface-active components of the culture broth were mainly glycolipid s and monoglyceride.


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