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与 单管的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nevertheless, without going into the minutiae of the business, the eloquent fact remained that the sea was there in all its glory and in the natural course of things somebody or other had to sail on it and fly in the face of providence though it merely went to show how people usually contrived to load that sort of onus on to the other fellow like the hell idea and the lottery and insurance which were run on identically the same lines so that for that very reason if no other lifeboat Sunday was a highly laudable institution to which the public at large, no matter where living inland or seaside, as the case might be, having it brought home to them like that should extend its gratitude also to the harbourmasters and coastguard service who had to man the rigging and push off and out amid the elements whatever the season when duty called Ireland expects that every man and so on and sometimes had a terrible time of it in the wintertime not forgetting the Irish lights, Kish and others, liable to capsize at any moment, rounding which he once with his daughter had experienced some remarkably choppy, not to say stormy, weather.


The main objective of this dissertation was to develop methodologies with capability of engineering application for simulating flow in fractured rock using discontinuum models. The study work includes three parts. In the first part, numerical methodology of three-dimensional discrete fracture network model casing on hybrid BEM-channel was presented, and the technique for improve the model's computing efficiency was also studied. Firstly in this part, computer simulation methodology based on the Baechermodel for generating network of discrete fractures was presented, which includes the follow details: probability distributions of fracture density,orientation, trace length, size, and aperture and estimation of their statistical parameters; stochastic models of fracture network; Monte-Carlo's simulation method; numerical simulation procedure and technicality.


A single peaked tympanogram was typical in normal infants for 1000 Hz admittance,susceptance and conductance tympanograms and there were 28 ears (93.3%), 25 ears (83.3%) and 26 (86.7%) respectively.


Nevertheless, without going into the minutiae of the business, the eloquent fact remained that the sea was there in all its glory and in the natural course of things somebody or other had to sail on it and fly in the face of providence though it merely went to show how people usually contrived to load that sort of onus on to the other fellow like the hell idea and the lottery and insurance which were run on identically the same lines so that for that very reason if no other lifeboat Sunday was a highly laudable institution to which the public at large, no matter where living inland or seaside, as the case might be, having it brought home to them like that should extend its gratitude also to the harbourmasters and coastguard service who had to man the rigging and push off and out amid the elements whatever the season when duty called Ireland expects that every man and so on and sometimes had a terrible time of it in the wintertime not forgetting the Irish lights, Kish and others, liable to capsize at any moment, rounding which he once with his daughter had experienced some remarkably choppy, not to say stormy, weather.


objective to evaluate efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsyfor treating ureteral stones in situ,investigate the cause of higher re-treatment rate.methods total of 687 patients with ureteral stone were received eswl between january 2000 and december 2004,included 455 male(66.2%) and 232 female(33.8%) patients,6 cases have bilateral ureteral calculi,12 cases have unilateral multiple calculi.hence,together 709 ureteral calculi were treated.patients upper ureteral calculi were treated in the supine position,for lower ureteral calculi patients were turned prone.to reduce eswl-induced renal trauma and pain,using lower energy source,adjusted power setting from 9.8 to 13.2kv,limited 1500 shock wavs per one session.no auxiliary procedure were used before eswl.the stone size was measured as the surface area of stone length by stone width on x-ray film.the interval between two treatment sessions was two weeks.results of 709 ureteral calculi,the overall stone free rate was 97.3%(690 calculi),re-treatment rate was 34.1%(292 calculi).according to the performed treatment sessions,one session 467 calculi,the mean stone size 37.27mm2,stone free rate 65.4%(464 calculi).two sessions 138 calculi,the mean stone size 62.48mm2,stone free rate 18.4%(131calculi).three sessions 52 calculi,the mean stone size 79.60mm2,stone free rate 7.1%(50calculi).four sessions 19 calculi,the mean stone size 101.63mm2,stone free rate 2.4%(17calculi).fivesessions 33 calculi,the mean stone size 119.33mm2,stone free rate 3.9%(28 calculi).overall 19 cases(2.7%)turned to other treatment modalities.of 335 upper ureteral calculi,303 achieved stone free (95.8%),re-treatment rate was 38.5%(129 calculi).of 374 lower ureteral calculi,369 achieved stone free(98.7%),re-treatment rate was 30.2%(113 calculi).the re-treatment rate of upper ureteral calculi was higher than lower ureteral calculi(p<0.05,χ2=5.40).the difference of stone-free rate between upper and lower ureteral calculi was no significant(p>0.05,χ2=0.15).conclusion eswl should be considered first line therapy for ureteral stone still.stone burden are the main variable of higher re-treatment rate,upper ureteral stone may moving with respiring during eswl.so efficinet shock wave was decreared,re-treatment rate become higher.

目的 评估体外震波碎石治疗输尿管结石的疗效,探讨再治疗率高的原因及输尿管结石的治疗选择。方法回顾2000年1月~2004年12月间eswl治疗输尿管结石的临床资料687例,男455例(66.2%),女232例(33.8%),平均年龄46.6岁(15~83岁)。有双侧输尿管结石6例,单侧多发性输尿管结石12例(4颗1例,3颗2例,2颗9例),共计输尿管结石709颗(含透光结石13颗)。应用上海爱申公司生产的desunit6030型碎石机,c臂x线球管做结石定位。上段输尿管结石(肾盂输尿管交界处至骶髂关节上缘)取仰卧位,下段输尿管结石(骶髂关节上缘下至输尿管口)取俯卧位。为减少eswl引起的肾损伤和疼痛,应用较低的能量,震波发生器电压从9.8~13.2kv,震波频率1.5s。每次治疗设定为1500次震波。治疗后3天摄腹部平片或b超,以后每隔7日重复检查。假如结石未碎或有残留结石最长径>3mm以上,再次eswl,两次治疗的间隔时间为两周。结石的大小用x线片上的表面积(mm2表示。结果 709颗输尿管结石总的治愈率为97.3%(690颗),再治疗率34.1%(242颗)。其中一次治疗467颗,平均结石大小37.27mm2,治愈464颗(65.4%),3颗改治疗;两次治疗138颗,平均结石大小62.48mm2,治愈131颗(18.5%),7颗改治疗;第1和第2次治疗治愈率(1个月治愈率)为83.8%。3次治疗52颗,平均结石大小79.60mm2,治愈50颗(7.1%),2颗改治疗;4次治疗19颗,平均结石大小101.63mm2,治愈17颗(2.4%),2颗改治疗;5次及5次以上治疗33颗,平均结石大小119.33mm2,治愈28颗(3.9%),5颗改治疗。总计19颗(2.7%)结石改变治疗方式。上段输尿管结石335颗,治愈321颗(95.8%),再治疗129颗(38.5%)。下段输尿管结石374颗,治愈369颗(98.7%),再治疗113颗(30.2%)。经χ2检验,上、下段输尿管结石的再治疗率差异有显著性(χ2=5.40,p<0.05),治愈率差异无显著性(χ2=0.15,p>0.05)。不良反应:血压升高13例(1.9%),震波区域疼痛26例(3.8%),震波进入处皮肤点状淤血33例(4.8%),肉眼血尿128例(18.6%),均于第2、3天自行消失。结论 eswl目前仍是输尿管结石的第一线治疗,结石的大小是再治疗率高的主要因素。结石的位置有影响,上段输尿管结石可随呼吸移动,有效震波次数减少,再治疗率比下段输尿管结石高。eswl前注重病例筛选可降低再治疗率。

6 3 Bracket: Steel plate thickness: 0.6 ~ 0.9 Structure Structure 1: evaporator for single temperature control system (Single-capillary evaporator) Structure 2: evaporator for double temperature control system (Double-capillary evaporator) Structure 3: evaporator for three way temperature control system (Three-capillary evaporator) Key process Tube bending, Welding, Mono shelf assemble, Assembly welding, Leakage test, Cleaning, Coating, Inspection, Packing Technical standards Wire pitch:≥ 5 ㎜, can produce according to the drawing or sample supplied by clients, also can help the clients design and produce different evaporators.

1.4 ? 1.6 3 )支架:钢板厚度: 0.6 0.9结构结构1 :蒸发器的单一温度控制系统结构2 :双蒸发器温度控制系统结构3 :蒸发器的方式为三个温度控制系统关键过程弯管,焊接,组装单棚,大会焊接,泄漏试验,清洗,涂料,检验,包装的技术标准线间距:≥ 5 ㎜,能产生根据图纸或样品提供的客户,还可以帮助客户设计和生产不同的蒸发器。

As for the caps for the tubes, innovations and further developments have contributed to further improvements in security, comfort and convenience for the consumer; in addition, special dosing and application devices and practical one-hand closures serve to optimise the inherent application benefits of the tube.


Company, modified and improved the failure of the system. familiar withthe single / double sides, multilayer, blind / buried holes, carbon, plugholes etc. Awealth of experience of analysing anomaly for quality,improvement and prevention, use various types of quality control methodto regulate the product quality.3. Be able to skillfully use the seven QC practices, IE seven practices


The band structures and the band gaps of some single-walled carbon nanotubes were calculated and their ...


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I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
