英语人>网络例句>单种子的 相关的搜索结果


与 单种子的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seed cones terminal on branchlets, solitary, globose or oblong, dehiscent when mature in 1st year; cone scales 8-12, peltate, woody, each fertile scale bearing (1 or)2(-5) seeds; free bract apex a small mucro.


Seed cones terminal, solitary, globose or subglobose, dehiscent when mature in 2nd year; cone scales 8-16, decussate, peltate, woody, each fertile scale bearing 3-20 seeds; free bract apex a short mucro.


The effect of pesticides on field controlling root rot of Vicia faba was studied in two consecutive years by seed treatment of fungicides and their combination.

在实验室内探讨了三唑酮、甲基硫菌灵、福美双、恶霜灵和甲霜灵等 5种杀菌剂单用或混用对蚕豆种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。据此,在田间开展了杀菌剂拌种和杀菌剂与杀虫剂混用防治蚕豆根腐病的研究。

The threshold of lithium tantalite under single-shot is found to be 1.84J /cm 2 and the avalanche rate was determined to be 1.01 cm 2 /J by calculation. We found that avalanche dominates the ablation process, while photoionization serves as a free electron provider.

在800nm飞秒激光脉冲作用下,钽酸锂晶体单脉冲烧蚀阈值为1.84 J /cm 2;在此基础上,我们通过建立钽酸锂晶体中导带电子密度演化微分方程,并数值求解,得到了钽酸锂的碰撞电离速率系数为1.01 cm 2 /J ,并得出在钽酸锂表面烧蚀中,光致电离提供种子电子,雪崩电离起主导作用的结论。

Areoles without glochids; leaves broad and flat, pinnately nerved,± persistent; flowers solitary or in inflorescences, mostly stalked; ovary superior to inferior; seeds black, not arillate.

没有钩毛的小窠;叶宽和平,成羽状叶脉,多少宿存;在花序,多数柄里的花单生或;子房上位到下位;种子黑色,不具假种皮。 1 Pereskia 木麒麟属

Aril cupulate, only covering seed at base or not exceeding the middle; cymes usually monochasial; thorns slender

Aril杯状,只是包括或者不超过中间的种子在基部;通常的聚伞花序单歧聚伞状;刺纤细 9

Thus, above results suggested genotypic diversity might enhance the invasive ability of Spartina alternijlora.


Shrubs, usually aerial hemiparasites on other seed plants, often spreading along host by runners, more rarely terrestrial root-parasitic shrubs or trees, nodes not articulated, glabrous or hairy, hairs often stellate or verticillate. Leaves opposite or alternate, stipules absent; petiole often indistinct; leaf blade simple, usually pinnately veined, margin entire.


And the plant average of several endosperms of each plant as data set for QTL mapping.


Macaws have sharp, hooked bills which are perfect for eating nuts, fruits, and seeds.


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I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
