英语人>网络例句>半音的 相关的搜索结果


与 半音的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This abalone Xun Xun has managed to maintain the tradition of the original shape and tone, and increases the volume, the expansion of the range, and the chromatic scale to blow, it could be the transfer of musical instruments, ancient and mellow tone, low tragic, very Rich features.


Xylophone 木琴:A percussion instrument consisting of a mounted row of wooden bars graduated in length to sound a chromatic scale, played with two small mallets.


The work is concluded by an extended coda in which chromatic contrapuntal interplay among the voices are supported by a steady funeral-march drone.


A melodic ornament in which a principal tone is rapidly alternated with the tone a half or full step below.


The relationship of adjacent notes in all the previous scales is a whole-step or half-step.


It consists of skills of deviating from the key and modulation,skills of a chord interlacement,and expending and appreciation about function of the chord subordinate,and skills of chord outer tone and harmony semitone.


They are:1 Max-Reger's biography and creation synopsis2 A summary of the structure of Partita and Fuga3 Synopsis of Chromatische Polyphonie4 Creation background of(op 132)5 Linearity writing technique of(op 132)6 Partita inheriting with innovation and Parts analysis7 Fuga melody analysis

本文将分七个部分予以陈述,分别为:一马克思-雷格尔生平及创作简介二简述变奏曲与赋格及其它赋格音乐套曲结构三半音复音音乐简介四《莫扎特主题变奏与赋格》(op 132)的创作背景五《莫扎特主题变奏与赋格》(op 132)线性写作技巧六变奏手法的继承与创新及各变奏乐章分析七赋格曲分析

In fact, semitone is also used as unit for specify pitch in MIDI files.

上述公式所转换出来的半音差,也是 MIDI 音乐档案所用的标准。

This tuning is the same as dropped D and C, but lowered from dropped C an additional semitone, or half step.


Speaking of the musical characteristics, four types of tone systems are used in the traditional songs in Tavalan Village: tritonic, tetratonic, pentatonic,and hexatonic tone systems. Less use of semitone is also another musical characteristic in Tavalan Village.


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I urge any American living outside the country to get an early start checking his/her registration and receiving an absentee ballot, because it can take a while.


He is too young to join the army.


Over time Winfrey has made the contents of the show more sophisticated and sympathetic, moving away from its sensationalist beginnings to an exploration of spirituality and community which has proved popular particularly with women.
