英语人>网络例句>午夜 相关的搜索结果


与 午夜 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But it was not until long after midnight...that the Fuehrer emerged from his private


While Peter Griffin and friends got a new prime-time deal with Fox, Futurama took a different path.


The image changes "camera" angles, and she can see the large grandfather clock in the foyer past Garrick, showing 10 minutes until midnight.


Birds and insects, even the gayest and most lawless, were concealed, abated, voiceless, folded in on themselves, up to absolutely nothing at all in the transfixed light and warmth but, the senses warned one, at any moment all would be on the turn to something else ---a runt of a leaf would suicidally loosen it grip, and fall; a bird would speak with tiny, sweet inanity; a less restful fish would nudge its mouth above the glass surface between the lily-pads, and prove it liquid and illusion; a shadow would hint its ultimate allegiance with midnight, owls, blackness, sleep, and its need immediately to lengthen a hair's-breadth, and become an infinitesimal degree cooler.


Unfortunately, the waning gibbous moon is up between midnight and dawn – the best hours for meteor-watching.


Our sky chart shows the bright waxing gibbous moon and the planet Jupiter for around mid-evening tonight.


Sleep researchers refer to these early risers as larks (midnight-oil-burners are known as owls), and new data presented this week at the annual Associated Professional Sleep Societies suggest that a student's preferred sleeping schedule has a lot to do with his or her grade-point average in school.


The only problem is that I have to work the graveyard shift from midnight to eight in the morning.


Radiosondes are launched from a network of sites around the world at noon and at midnight Greenwich Mean Time each day.


He alone has the following eighteen parables: good Samaritan, friend at midnight, rich fool, servants watching, two debtors, barren fig-tree, chief seats, great supper, rash builder, rash king, lost groat, prodigal son, unjust steward, rich man and Lazarus, unprofitable servants, unjust judge, Pharisee and publican, pounds.

他单有以下18比喻:好撒马利亚人,朋友在午夜,丰富的傻瓜,公务员看,两个债务人,贫瘠的图树,行政议席,伟大的晚餐,皮疹建设者,皮疹国王,失去了groat ,浪子的儿子,不公正的董事,财主和拉撒路,无利可图的公务员,不公正的法官, pharisee和publican ,英镑。

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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
