英语人>网络例句>化身 相关的搜索结果


与 化身 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Additional, game still will be prototype to make with Lin Zhiying " binate Long Zi " the figure of NPC, he will be reincarnate in appearing in game for part of huge of contrast of case of two individual character, two " Long Zi " what kind of experience to have?


Coco Chanel was the em- bodiment of the twenties.


Another alias name used for this variety is Boal/Bual in its incarnation as one of at least four varieties using the same name for use in fortified wines on the island of Madeira.

另一名化名用于这一品种是南美洲/ bual其化身为其中至少有四个品种,并采用相同的名称,用于强化葡萄酒岛马德拉岛。

Grand Admiral Rufaan Tigellinus, Star Destroyer Avatar, Captain's Log, Carida system


Cohesiveness of the Chinese nation is expressed mainly by emotional and cultural assimilation and the maintenance.


The Orthodox theologians, on the other hand, based their arguments on the specifically Christian doctrine of the incarnation: God is indeed invisible and indescribable in his essence, but when the Son of God became man, he voluntarily assumed all the characteristics of created nature, including describability.


In this connection the Dharmasarira-sutra (37)explains the concepts of dharmakaya and nirmanakaya.


In the Mahayana, the word 'Buddha' is used to refer to one who possesses three kayas : the dharmakaya, the nirmanakaya, and the samboghakaya.


Some Mahayana traditions see the Buddha in almost docetic terms, viewing his visible manifestations as projections from within the state of Nirvana.


The story of Oscar, the hospice cat who conducts daily rounds like a feline ersion of a hospital consultant and appears to be able to predict when patients are going to die, is told in an essay about a day in his life by one of the doctors, Daid Dosa, in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Daid Dosa医生在《新英格兰医学杂志》的一篇文章中讲述了奥斯卡的故事,该文章描述了它一天的生活。它就象疗养院顾问医生猫的化身,每天在疗养院转来转去,似乎能够预知病人何时死去。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
