英语人>网络例句>化身 相关的搜索结果


与 化身 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mr Ryan's political hero is the late Jack Kemp, the soul of sunny conservatism.

Ryan心目中的政治偶像是已故的Jack Kemp,他是阳光的保守主义的化身

One reason is that kidlet was delicious food for wolf…….


The first hall is JinGangDian, which enriches and worships the door gods in the tradition of four guardians history, which are 1 Oriental Snake Heavenly King: dressed in white, wearing armor piercings and helmets, with knife in left hand and sheath in right hand; 2 southern Sword Heavenly King: dressed in green, wearing armor piercings and helmets, with sword in hand; 3 western Lute Heavenly King: dressed in red, wearing armor piercings and helmets, with sheath in left hand and cable in right hand; 4 northern Umbrella Heavenly King: dressed in gold, wearing golden armor piercings, with tower in left hand and three-fork Qian in right hand and three-night fork ghosts under the feet.

进入本院入口山门即有一尊高大的观音立像,丛远处即可看到,观音像处于一个广场之中,广场的中央是一个放生池,本着人性本善的佛学思想,人们可以将鱼龟等生物在池中放生,即符合禅宗的思想,又达到动物保护的的目的,经过放生池才是寺院的正式入口,里面是按照传统寺院布置的三大殿,均为硬山式砖木结构,第一殿为金刚殿,里面供奉的四大金刚使传统中的门神,四大天王为: 1)东方持国天王:身白色,穿甲戴胄,左手把刀,右手执鞘;2)南方增长天王:身青色,穿甲戴胄,持宝剑: 3)西方广目天王:身红色,穿甲戴胄,左手执鞘,右手把赤索; 4)北方多闻天王:身金色,金甲胄,左手执宝塔,右手执三叉乾,脚踏三夜叉鬼,佛教的四大天王汉化便形成中国罗汉堂中的"四大金刚",成为"风调雨顺"的化身: 1)持国天王魔礼寿:穿紫金龙花狐貂,职顺。

Kopeck Bryant the kopeck from 1998 until now, 12th time participates in the entire star continuously, so far already went on an expedition more than 1000 competitions for Lakers, he once took the professional profession highest 81 points in 2006, his individual honor: Olympic Games champion: 1 time NBA total champion: 4 NBA score king: 2 times NBA western champion: 6 times NBA finals MVP:1 time NBA regular season MVP:1 time NBA entire star match MVP:3 time NBA entire star match slam dunk big game champion: 1 the kopeck is Jordan's incarnation, if Jordan is a god, that kopeck is the close god person

科比个人资料现在我来介绍一位NBA球星——科比布莱恩特科比从1998年至今,将连续第12次参加全明星,到目前为止已经为湖人征战1000多场比赛,他曾在2006年拿下职业生涯最高的81分,他的个人荣誉:奥运会冠军:1次 NBA总冠军:4次 NBA得分王:2次 NBA西部冠军:6次 NBA总决赛 MVP:1次 NBA常规赛MVP:1次 NBA全明星赛MVP:3次 NBA全明星赛扣篮大赛冠军:1次科比就是乔丹的化身,如果乔丹是神,那科比就是接近神的人

In keeping with the planet's unique distinction of being the home of Christ Michael's seventh bestowal in a modified joint incarnation with Esu Immanuel Kumara, the appointed overseeing galactic Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchizadek is also sharing the position with Sananda Esu Immanuel until Esu feels his specific focus is realized.

作为CM的第七个赠与星球,这个星球受到了独特优待--Esu Immanuel Kumara化身于此,由Machiventa Melchizadek与Esu一起担任监管星系的行星王子,直到Esu认为他的特定焦点目标已经实现。

It is valuable because it is more than just the embodiment of the will and wisdom, is a combination of physical and soul, but also because it has the same sea-chest, to meet the finish line one after another to Ben Lai people, welcome to an another latecomer , record, and accepted, creating a another winner.


In Greek mythology, Zeus and Leda It is the embodiment of love Princess, is also looking for Titan's son Phaethon youth SIgena Si.


It also means treating bankrupts relatively leniently, not as sinners to be flagellated but rather as unfortunates who should be given a second chance.


L. Lily ladles little Letty's lentil soup.Listen to the local yokel yodel.Lovely lemon liniment.


He is also a creature of pure whimsy, a lighter-than-air confection of licentiousness and gallantry.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
