英语人>网络例句>化身 相关的搜索结果


与 化身 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To their surprise, the two men find Jekyll at the window, enjoying the fresh air.


After arguing for a time, the two of them resolve to break into Jekyll's laboratory.


Jekyll refuses, saying that he cannot go out.


Eventually, the potion began to run out, and Jekyll was unable to find a key ingredient to make more.


His ability to change back from Hyde into Jekyll slowly vanished.


At this point, Jekyll resolved to cease becoming Hyde.


Finally, Clarence Williams III does a memorable turn as Jazz great Jelly Roll Morton in the film's highlight sequence where the two musicians square off against one another to find out who is the best.

值得一提的是Clarence WilliamsⅢ在影片中化身为爵士乐的教父Jelly Roll Morton,与主人公1900展开了一场音乐对决,使影片增色不少。

Caroline Cox presents the various incarnations of the stiletto since its invention as a fantasy shoe brought to life by the flair and skill of shoemakers Vivier, Perugia, Ferragamo, and Jourdan in the early 1950s.

卡罗琳考克斯提出的各种化身的高跟鞋发明以来,作为一种幻想擦鞋带来生命的天赋和技能的制鞋Vivier ,佩鲁贾,菲拉格慕,和卓丹在1950年代初。

That is, Christian tradition strongly asserts the transcendence of God as an essential element in its Judaic heritage, but it just as strongly insists upon the immanence of God in the incarnation and in the sacraments.


The avatar symbolizes the resurrection of the earth from a pralaya and the establishment of a new kalpa, and can thus be considered to constitute a creation myth.


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The medicinal plant resources of Gentianaceae in Sichuan Province.


"Some fortuneteller," scoffed the man, I'm the father of THREE children.

" "一些算命",嘲笑他,"我的父亲有三个孩子。

There are over 90 universities and above 150 institutes to provide Bachelor or above.
