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与 化身 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To him Krishna is the embodiment of Spirit, and His sacred Abode is the embodiment of Spirit.


Marxism is a primary allotrope of the opium of the intellectuals because its doctrine of historical inevitability insulates it from correction by anything so trivial as factual reality.


Lanyon reports that he no longer sees much of Jekyll, since they had a dispute over the course of Jekyll's research, which Lanyon calls unscientific balderdash.


Brahmani (the second figure from the left) has four heads like Brahm a, and is often shown seated on a lotus or on a gander; Maheshvari, the feminine personification of Shiva or Mahesa, sits next to her on a bull; Kaumari, derived from Kumara, rides a peacock; Vaishnavi is the female personification of Vishnu , as is Varahi, in his incarnation as the boar; Indrani derives from Indra.

布拉马尼有四个当头布拉姆一个,而且常常显示鹅或坐在莲花上, Maheshvari,女性的化身湿婆或Mahesa系,坐在她旁边的一个牛市; Kaumari,库马拉来自,骑孔雀; Vaishnavi是女性的化身毗湿奴,正如瓦拉希野猪,在他的化身作为; Indrani来自因陀罗。

An embodiment of the qualities of a god;"the capitalists' deification of capital"


Contents: Geocentric System of Nature; Sacred Numbers, 7 and 12; Twelve Thousand year Cycle; Ancient Triad; God Sol; Ancient Cosmogony; Fall and Redemption of Man; Incarnations of God Sol; Fable of the Twelve Labors; Solar Worship; Zodiacal Symbols of Solar Worship; Signs of the Cross; Future Rewards and Punishments; Ancient Christianity; The Prophecies; Roman or Modern Christianity; Freemasonry and Druidism; The Sabbath; Pious Frauds, Personifications of the Divisions of Time.


Enfield mentions that in the intervening weeks he has learned that the run-down laboratory they pass is physically connected to Jekyll's house, and they both stop to peer into the house's windows, with Utterson noting his concern for Jekyll's health.


According to Kant the Christian creed deals with the ideal, not with the historical Jesus; according to Jacobi, it worships Jesus not as an historical person, but as a religious ideal; according to Fichte there exists an absolute unity between God and man, and Jesus was the first to see and teach it; according to Schelling, the incarnation is an eternal fact, which happened to reach in Jesus its highest point, according to Hegel, Christ is not the actual incarnation of God in Jesus of Nazareth but the symbol of God's incarnation in humanity at large.


You can use "Embodiment of Apophis" as a Tribute once it is a monster. You cannot Tribute it for a Ritual Summon, etc., while it is in your hand.


Of the billion, 7% or so are Service-to-Self and will not be incarnating on Earth but will be taken to prison planets for their next incarnation, unless removed in human form to their new homes prior to the end of this incarnation.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
