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与 化生的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That life comes with death is a fate common to all human beings One could observe the phenomenon of death but never understand its reality which explains why humans have had such a great fear of death Yet death remains a brutal fact after all and only with an adequate interpretation of it can human being face up to death The present dissertation is intended to explore ancient views on death in terms of three kinds of "life-seeking" attitudes: metaplasia resurrection and longetivity The primitives employed the collective myth-making to explain the riddle of death and create the belief in the "solidarity of life " Chuang-tzu accepted such a belief and developed in addition the idea of "qi" through his concept of "metamorphosis " In the period of Eastern Zhou it became popular to imagine dead people turning into ghosts and this brought out the idea of "soul " Yet is there another world after one dies?


In case one,his testicular histology was normal and there were 20% abnormal pachytene spermatoeytes,showing unsynaptic and broken SCs.


The petal of Gli CMS crimples.The stamen turns into featheriness, the form of the petal , silk form or degradates. Without anther structure, the carpel, it is protruding that the outer edge grows tumour form.The growing style of stamen and pistil is the adhesion type or the scattered type. The shape of pistil is straight or hooked. The opening style of flower is full-nfolded,half-closed or full-closed.

Gli CMS的花瓣皱缩,雄蕊变为羽毛状、花瓣状、丝状或者退化;无花药结构,心皮化,周缘生有瘤状突起;雌雄蕊着生方式为粘连型,有的是散生型;雌蕊有的是直柱形,有的是钩型的;花朵开放方式为全展型、半闭型和全闭型。

In terms of culm size, biomass, distribution and adaptability, 33 bamboo species with potential value for energy-oriented use are listed in this paper, among which 14 being sympodial, 18 monopodial and 1 amphipodial.


Considering the bud of Platycarya longipesas basic unit of modular population,the bud population structure of sample trees, which were 8-12 years old and located at different places on slope in karst area in the middle of Guizhou province, was studied.


The style and space of Jataka murals is the inevitable result of the unbreaking development of history in spit of it"s investor, it"s material condition, and the attitude of public .It finally reveals the return and unity of space appearance, and the mature process of the prone of Chinese localization, i.e., the dynamic show of space awareness promoted by spirit-resonance life-motion.


The procedure of biscuit firing of clad plate base blank is carried out as follows: Weigh a certain amount of raw material in proportion by feeder, by conveyor belt the raw material is ground in a ball mill; after grinding for 12 hours, sifting-out and de-ironing, it is transferred to be homogenized and outworn in homogenization pool; then after spray drying granulation in spray tower, the powder is pressed into a certain size of blank by brick machine, afterwards, the blank will be dehydrated in drying kiln, through high-temperature sintering, base blank of clad plate with stable mechanical, chemical, physical performance has been finished.


We were the firmest advocates of globalization, which in our viewpoint equals to Americanization, and we were so self-righteous that we thought ourselves to be distinct with superficial adorers of America. It did not only mean McDonald, Coca Cola and Hollywood to us but the most important thing is that they owns the political ambitions of Lincoln, individualism of Emerson and free education in Harvard University.


Reefs, reef-mounds and lime mud mounds are all carbonate buildups, and the reefs and banks are important targets for petroleum exploration The reefs, banks and mounds should be divided from each other not only in theory, but also in exploration practice, because of so many differences in sedimentary compositions, fabrics, environments, distribution in time and space, and the characteristics of petroleum geology If the original reef or bank itself was fine reservoir rocks, then it would become a better reservoir after the reservoirconstructive diagenesis The formation of a high quality carbonate reservoir is controlled by two factors: the sedimentary microfacies and the reservoirconstructive diagenesis The first is the basis for the formation of a high quality reservoir, and with the high energy reefbank facies as the best; the latter includes the cataclasis, the dolomitization and the karstification The dolomitization and karstification are the best for the formation of a high quality reservoir The karstification has the widest distribution, profoundest effect, and plays a vital role in the high quality reservoir forming The karst types are quite rich in the limestone reef or bank reservoir, including synsedimentary karst, penesedimentary karst, supergene karst and hydrothermal karst, and so does the dolomitization reef or bank reservoir The formation mechanism of synsedimentary karst and penesedimentary karst is related to the short time exposing and leaching of the cyclical highfrequency shallowupward sequence when the reefs or banks are forming The supergene karst is controlled by the exposing and leaching of tertiary cyclic sequence type I interface after the reefs or banks forming Thus, there developed a great deal of secondary corrosion pores, corrosion fractures and huge caves besides some original pores remained in the reef and bank reservoir Scarcely there are any original effective pores in reefmounds and lime mud mounds, especially in senkes among mounds, but secondary pores could be formed by karstification, and there would likely develop source rocks with high organic abundance


And this prescription is characteristic of self-production, self-qualification, self-sufficiency, self-suitableness and self-expansion.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
