英语人>网络例句>化生 相关的搜索结果


与 化生 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The style and space of Jataka murals is the inevitable result of the unbreaking development of history in spit of it"s investor, it"s material condition, and the attitude of public .It finally reveals the return and unity of space appearance, and the mature process of the prone of Chinese localization, i.e., the dynamic show of space awareness promoted by spirit-resonance life-motion.


I love the amniotic fluid when it spills out of the bag. I love the kidney with its painful gallstones, its gravel and what not; I love the urine that pours out scalding and the clap that runs endlessly; I love the words of hysterics and the sentences that flow on like dysentery and mirror all the sick images of the soul; I love the great rivers like the Amazon and the Orinoco, where crazy men like Moravagine float on through dream and legend in an open boat and drown in the blind mouths of the river. I love everything that flows, even the menstrual flow that carries away the seed unfecund. I love scripts that flow, be they hieratic, esoteric, perverse, polymorph, or unilateral. I love everything that flows, everything that has time in it and becoming, that brings us back to the beginning where there is never end: the violence of the prophets, the obscenity that is ecstasy, the wisdom of the fanatic, the priest with his rubber litany, the foul words of the whore, the spittle that floats away in the gutter, the milk of the breast and the bitter honey that pours from the womb, all that is fluid, melting, dissolute and dissolvent, all the pus and dirt that in flowing is purified, that loses its sense of origin, that makes the great circuit toward death and dissolution.


I love the amniotic fluid when it spills out of the bag. I love the kidney with its painful gallstones, its gravel and whatnot; I love the urine that pours out scalding and the clap that runs endlessly; I love the words of hysterics and the sentences that flow on like dysentery and mirror all the sick images of the soul; I love the great rivers like the Amazon and the Orinoco, where crazy men like Moravagine float on through dream and legend in an open boat and drown in the blind mouths of the river. I love everything that flows, even the menstrual flow that carries away the seed unfecund. I love scripts that flow, be they hieratic, esoteric, perverse, polymorph, or unilateral. I love everything that flows, everything that has time in it and becoming, that brings us back to the beginning where there is never end: the violence of the prophets, the obscenity that is ecstasy, the wisdom of the fanatic, the priest with his rubber litany, the foul words of the whore, the spittle that floats away in the gutter, the milk of the breast and the bitter honey that pours from the womb, all that is fluid, melting, dissolute and dissolvent, all the pus and dirt that in flowing is purified, that loses its sense of origin, that makes the great circuit toward death and dissolution.


By using muti-variable mean generation f uncti on of the predictand and its predictor, the mean generation function is orthogon alized by means of the Gram-Schmidt s method.

用预报量与多变量预报因子的均值生成函数,通过 Gram- Schmidt正交化使均值生成函数彼此正交,同时利用双评分准则确定入选预报模型的均生函数个数,最后建立山西省季节降水的预报模型。

Furthermore, we must also depend on the English educated citizens to counter-balance the Anglicized Singaporeans because in our future society, we will not be able to find any Chinese educated and other language educated locals to join the counter-balancing force.


Methods Using a combinatorial approach of enzymatic digestion and mechanical separation to allow isolation and culture of GER cells from P1 rat cochleae.


When she was almost four months old , yellow cutinized layer symmetrically covered palms and soles, from the local to the whole gradually . There was red and inflammatory at the edge of cutinized layer.


Lithologies are mostly sand and carbonate rocks, caps are mud rock, shale and magmatite. Entrap types are anticline, fault block rebuilt by breaking and the screened entrap diapered rock mass. The composition is CO_2, N_2, CH_4, C_2H_6 and He etc. It is magma air source body and its geologic fashions are intrusion and buried volcanic conduit. The relations between gas reservoirs and gas source bodies have three types: magma intrusion-breaking-communicated gas reservoir, magma intrusion-contacted CO_2 reservoir and buried volcanic conduit-contacted gas reservoir. The CO_2 migration in magma intrusion is consisted of fusing and crystallizing phases;it in volcanic conduit is consisted of near-surface effusion and crystallizing phases.The buoyancy of CO_2 in water far more than migration resistance in breaking or chink, CO_2 is easy float upward, the floating can results in differentiation of different density gases and concentration of sealed gas. The gas in sand reservoir firstly migrate into the higher porosity and coefficient of permeability sand, and along with the pressure going up it migrate into the lower. In magma intrusion-breaking-reservoir migration, CO_2 firstly migrate into watered breaking, began gravity differentiation and concentrate, the gas pressure time and again go up, CO_2 migrate into reservoir and concentrate under expansibility as the pressure reach upward a given extend. The CO_2 in reservoir experience four breaking modes: chemistry deposition, dissolution, diffusion and mechanic breaking, the pressure balance can be broken by faulting and the CO_2 will further migrate and form new reservoir.

济阳坳陷已发现的八里泊、阳25、平方王、平南、高青、花17 CO_2气藏主要储集层位有奥陶系、中生界、沙四段、沙三段、沙一段、馆陶组和明化镇组,储集层岩性以砂岩和碳酸盐岩为主,盖层以泥质岩、页岩和岩浆岩为主。;圈闭类型主要为受断裂改造的背斜、断块及刺穿岩体遮挡圈闭。;气体成分主要有CO_2、N_2、CH_4、C_2H_6、He等。;主要气源体为岩浆气源体,气源体的主要地质形式为侵入体和埋藏的火山通道。;气藏和气源体的空间关系有岩浆侵入体一断裂一气藏沟通型、岩浆侵入体-CO_2气储集层接触型和埋藏火山通道-气储集层接触型三种类型。;岩浆侵入体CO_2气运移分为熔融运移阶段和结晶运移阶段,火山通道中CO_2气运移分成近地表喷发阶段和结晶运移阶段。;断裂中,CO_2在水中的浮力远大于运移阻力,CO_2气容易上浮,CO_2在断裂中的易浮性导致不同密度气体的分异和走向上封闭的断裂气体相对富集。;气体在砂岩储集层运移聚集具有选择性,会优先进入孔隙度和渗透率较高的砂岩,随着压力增加,才会进入孔隙度和渗透率较低的砂岩;在岩浆气源体-断裂-储集层空间输导格架下,CO_2气在膨胀力的驱动下,首先进入含水的断裂并重力分异而聚集,气体压力会不断增高,当压力增至一定程度,CO_2气会向高孔隙度、渗透率的储集层运移并聚集。;在岩浆气源体-储集层接触空间输导格架下,CO_2气受膨胀力的驱动直接向储集层运移并聚集。;成藏的CO_2气会经历化学沉淀、溶解、扩散和机械破坏四种破坏方式,会受断裂切割而打破压力平衡,沿断裂进一步运移和聚集成藏。

According to him, mankind' s common existence situation produces three existential dichotomies, namely, life and death, the latent energy with limitless and transient: life, individualism and the feeling of loneliness.


In general, 80% or more of caffeine in raw tea can be removed by water-BA partition method, and the recovery of esterified catechins is about 70%.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
