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与 化生 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With distance from the lake,the Aerxiaote lake vegetation happened converse succession.From outside to inside,the structure of plant community was gradually simple,biological diversity was shrinking and halophytic vegetation had decreasing tendencies.From outside to inside,there were Aneurolepidium dasystachys,Phragmites australis,Suaeda salsa L.community.Succession tendency was from wetland and typical grassland vegetation to salinization and desertization vegetation.


The above result revealed that an optimum surrounding temperature was necessary when the rabbits were to be used for CSFV production. In addition, the subject rabbits should avoid heliosis during the late production process and transportation.


Epidemiology and control mechanism to barnyardgrass of Helminthosporium gramineum Rabenh f.

该项目的实施,明确了生防潜力菌禾长蠕孢稗草专化型(Helminthosporium gramineum Rabenh f。

In addition, IT injection of the -2 adrenoceptor antagonist, idazoxan (40 g/rat) 10 minbefore clonidine injection completely reversed clonidine'santi hyperalgesic and anti allodynic effects, as well as clonidine'ssuppressive effect on CCI-induced NR1 phosphorylation in thespinal cord dorsal horn.

另外,可乐定可以抑制 CCI 导致的脊髓背侧角 NR1磷酸化,但是在注射可乐定之前10min ,鞘内注射α-2受体拮抗剂咪唑克生(40 g/小鼠),可以完全逆转其对抗痛觉过敏的效果。

The ore minerals consist mainly of pitchblende UO(superscript x, x=2.16~2.70. The pitchblende is mainly intergrown intimately with diagenetic minerals, parts of which is intergrown with authigenic kaolinite, while another parts of which is intergrown or juxtaposed with pyrite of ore-stage, indicating simultaneous precipitation.

镜下观察结果显示,铀矿物主要为沥青铀矿UO(下标 x, x=2.16~2.70,部分与自生高岭石共生,部分则紧密地与矿化阶段黄铁矿共生或交互生长,表明同时沉淀。

Bidens pilosa var. radiata, one of the rapid expanding invasive weeds, has become prevailing throughout Taiwan. A study on the result enhanced by the breakdown of geographic isolation with the native varieties in genetic variation, population structure and introgressive hybrization is really in need. In this study the genetic variation and population structure among the varieties of Bidens pilosa complex were studied using ISSR markers.

在台湾Bidens pilosa种群在外部形态及分布上均非常类似,加上大花咸丰草又属极具侵略性的新归化种,在与其他自生变种又无明显隔离下,是否增加种间之交流与渐渗杂交之机会及对族群结构的影响,实有深入探讨之必要。

The Pin1 PPIase domain has shown to specifically isomerize pSer/Thr-Pro peptide bond in a defined subset of phosphoproteins including transcription factors and cell cycle regulator.

Pin1 於是被认为在磷酸化蛋白质之后修饰机制中,扮演著枢角色去调控细胞生反应及正常细胞的细胞分。

Gestational and lactational exposure to endosulfan did not show any demasculinizing or feminizing effect in rats, and sperm production and fertility of the male offspring were not affected.


Begomovirus; TAS-ELISA; PCR; Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus; Siegesbeckia orientalis; Malvastrum yellow vein virus; Malvastrum coromandelianum

农业科技,农业基础科学,农业生物学双生病毒; TAS-ELISA; PCR;中国番茄黄化曲叶病毒;赛葵黄脉病毒;赛葵;稀硷

MC and HPMC are both non-ionic,and etherified products of cellulose.They have functions such as thickening,emulsionizing,filming,water-maintaining,colloid-protecting,bonding,antienzyming,metabotic indifference and so on.They are applied widely in the fields of building,milkness paint,medcine,PVC,chemical articles,ceramics and agriculture.


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