英语人>网络例句>化生 相关的搜索结果


与 化生 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The coarse clastic rock of the braided channel of the fan-delta plain is formed when sedimentary water body is in the salinity stage of active tectonic period, the cotemporaneous cementation is intense and the cementation of the carbonate and sulphate has intense packing action in eogenetic stage of shallow buried.


This paper reviewed its pathogenesis, forms, clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Here a case of neonatal hypophosphatasia is reported. This baby was female (30 minutes old). Prenatal ultrasound showed disproportionate biparietal diameter and long bones of limbs in the baby. After birth, she presented with obvious craniomalacia, respiratory distress and cyanosis. Serum alkaline phosphatase level was significantly reduced. Both X-ray and autopsy showed extremely insufficient skeletal mineralization. Four days later she died of respiratory failure.

该文对其发病机制、分型及临床表现、鉴别诊断、治疗和预后进行了综述,并介绍了在该院诊断明确的1例新生儿型的罕见病例,患儿为出生30 min女婴,产前B超提示胎儿双顶径与四肢长骨不成比例,生后即有明显的颅骨软化、呼吸困难和紫绀等表现,血碱性磷酸酶显著低下,X线表现及尸检结果均提示骨骼矿化极度低下,4 d后因呼吸衰竭死亡。

The reactive model of SiO2 in production of feed-grade dicalcium phosphate, and the effect of pH on the process of gelification of silica gel are discussed, also the distribution and form of SiO2 is studied and ultimately the elimination methods of SiO2 is given.


Dyce life underwent a radical social change after the industrial revolution; his concerns regarding the cultural, religious values in the transitional society made his works significant when it comes to the Victorian paintings.


Barnyard grass, Echinochloa crus-galli, is one of the notorious weeds worldwide. To explore the potential of Alternaria augustiovoidea strain AAEC05-3 as mycoherbicide to control barnyard grass, the effect of inoculum potential and spray volume on the pathogenicity of strain AAEC05-3 to barnyard grass and host specificity of strain were studied using pot experiment.

为了确定稗草生防菌狭卵链格孢Alternaria augustiovoidea菌株AAEC05-3防除稗草的潜力,研究了其孢子接种浓度和喷液量对该菌株致病力的影响及菌株的寄主专化性。

Strains of entomogenous fungi were preliminarily identified to the generic level by characteristics of fruiting body, vegetative cells and spores.

根据菌落形态、营养体、孢子等特征将 12 4株虫生真菌初步鉴定到属,其中 110株已鉴定到种和专化型,共计 10属 2 5种。

Result: The average healing time of superficial second degree burn wound was 7 days with epidermidalization; deep second degree burn wound achieved physiological healing in 22 days; while superficial third burn wound were healed in 35±days. The total cure rate was up to 98.92%, and scarring rate accounted for about 12%.


In this research, we used Trifluoroacetic anhydride as a derivatizing agent to esterify the trace glycerol in biodiesel, followed by the determination of trace glycerol using microwave assisted headspace SPME extraction technique combined with GC-ECD.


This thesis analyzes theoretical base about the back-to-life curriculum in kindergarten from the angle of life, life and children, life and curriculum, which put forward the point that life is definitely to occupy, enjoy, assimilate and create the material culture, spiritual culture and institutional culture of human beings, and life is an motile activity which exists, develops with a person"s life and which can realize a person"s life values. The thesis also advances the view that the childrens mental and body characters decides that their study style is experiential, integrated, gameful, active and passive. All these make the life world of children become a unique one. Life character is the most basic one of the curriculum in kindergarten.


The original Seluohe Group contains at least four parts: Late Archean metamorphic rocks (zircon SHRIMP protolith ages 2517~2534 Ma), Late Paleozoic metamorphosed volcanic-sedimentary strata (zircon SHRIMP 252 Ma), Permian gneissic granitic complex (zircon SHRIMP 260 Ma), and Jurassic mylonitized granites (zircon SHRIMP 168 Ma).

原划分的色洛河群至少由4部分组成:新太古代变质火山-沉积地层(锆石SHRIMP年龄为2517~2534 Ma)、晚古生代变质火山-沉积地层(英安岩锆石SHRIMP年龄为252 Ma)、二叠纪片麻状杂岩体(锆石SHRIMP年龄为260 Ma)和侏罗纪糜棱岩化花岗岩(锆石SHRIMP年龄为168 Ma)。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
