英语人>网络例句>化生 相关的搜索结果


与 化生 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results In the medium and high dose F0 groups, it was observed that the atrophy and incrassation of seminiferous tubule, decrease of spermatogenesis, hyperplasia of interstitial tissue, especially in high dose groups spermatozoon abnormality and nucleolus concentration in the rats testis after DU ingestion for 14 months. The changes became more severe with the prolongation of DU ingestion. Such changes occurred in filial rats (F1) after DC ingestion for 5 months. In the medium and high dose F0 groups, it was observed that a little atrophy of kidney glomerulus, hyperplasia of interstitial tissue after DC ingestion for 14 months, and kidney glomerulus fibrosis happened after DC ingestion for 20 months, such changes occurred in filial rats (F1) after DC ingestion for 5 months In the medium and high dose F0 groups, splenic germinal center and periarterial lymphatic sheaths were hyperplasia , companies with lymphopoiesis after DC ingestion for 7 months, splenic white pulp became more small and sparse after DC ingestion for 20 months.

结果 F0代的中、高剂量组大鼠摄入贫铀14个月后可见雄性的精曲小管萎缩,管壁增厚呈空虚网状,生精细胞层次减少,间质细胞增生,但仍见有精子生成;高剂量组可见到精子呈异型性改变,细胞核浓缩深染,且随着摄入时间延长改变愈趋明显;F1代大鼠摄入贫铀5个月后就有上述改变且更为严重。F0代中、高剂量组大鼠摄入贫铀14个月后肾小球轻度萎缩,间质增生明显,20个月时肾小球萎缩纤维化;F1代大鼠摄入贫铀5个月后就有上述改变。F0代中、高剂量组摄入贫铀7个月时脾脏生发中心和淋巴鞘增生,淋巴母细胞增生活跃,20个月时脾小体减少,生发中心稀疏;F1代大鼠摄入贫铀早期和晚期有类似改变。F0和F1代高剂量组摄入贫铀早期肝脏有炎症细胞浸润,晚期骨髓有核细胞减少,脂肪细胞增加。

When World War II ended the nucleus has lost US just to start Mai Hadu to plan the initial significance, it turned one kind of capital one kind to threaten for 0.6 ten years American and Soviet law China and Britain one after another to become five macronucleus great nations from now on, afterwards faces by India and Pakistan has one after another, but at the present Iran really for joins this ranks diligently 0.20 centuries speaking of the humanity without doubt is the multi-disaster century, is a war first, lets the humanity be involved in to front no death and the pain despairs, as soon as then follows is standing lives (death which the Madrid flu it creates to surpass a war fatality count) the humanity to fall into panic to, at the same time human cultureFaced with unprecedented test, but this kind of test still was continuing in fact, this tradition impelled the world with the non-traditional strategy balance to face the multistage development, finally caused the individual local conflict to be unceasing.


Many young French people in Paris played, Naoguo, too absurd to get married and have children when they went to France mainlander rural or semi-rural areas of the small settle down and do a small staff, the Health on March 4 children, to lead a quiet simple life.


Made it possible for an average person to make use of cell phone.


This paper investigated 44 rich families and 33 general fmilies menta l health condition with PHI,the results were:the rich famlies had more mental pr oblem then the general families,the husbands in the rich expressed sensitive,com petitive,obstinate character;the wife in the rich expressed suspicious,fancy and somatic features There were 66.7%husbands and 61.9%wives in the rich who had mental problems,39.1%husbands and 42.4%wives in the general family had mental problems,and 34.1%children in the rich and 13.6%children in the general family had mental problems.

张同延 ,何雪娟对44例富商和33户普通家庭进行精神健康对照研究,使用精神健康测验进行调查,结果显示,富商家庭存在比较严重的心理卫生问题,具体表现出敏感多疑、好与人竞争,人格上具有固执生;富商妻疑心、脱离现实,对心理挫折常常采用躯体化的心理防御机制。富商群体中出现心理问题和心理障碍为66.7%、富商妻为61.9%;普通家庭男性为39.1%,其妻为42.4%;富商子女为34.1%,普通家庭子女为13.6%。

Oreocomopsis resembles Oreocome Edgeworth, but differs in having bracts pinnate; bracteoles linear or filiform, 2–3 × umbellules; mericarp commissure narrowed; and mesocarp parenchyma not lignified.

Oreocomopsis 类似于 Oreocome Edgeworth,但是不同处为有苞片羽状(很少全缘;小苞片线形或者丝状, 2-3 倍小伞形花序;分果爿合生面缩小;以及中果皮薄壁组织而不是木质化。

Cells of the procambium and ground meristem are more vacuolated than those of the protoderm.


By integrating the multi-discipline methods of petroleum geochemistry, sedimentology, hydrogeology, petroleum geology and experimental geochemistry, the thesis has carried out experiments of microcline dissolution in solutions with organic acids, crude oil, brines with high total dissolved solids , and has dealt with Al distribution between the crude oil and the brines after the experiments.


Displaces is simultaneously pays great attention to the goal and the process, and the teaching process mutual conformity interaction, the multiplication, the dynamic process evaluation. By science of library classification this article straightens out the foundation (Contend analysis, Post-modernism, Multi-intelligence), connotation and evaluation tools (students card, growth portfolio, academic performance on biological learning) of the process evaluation.


A new spectrophotometric method for the determination of chromium has been developed. In HCl medium, the chromium oxidizes hydroxylammonium chloride to form nitrite, which produces a pink azo dye when reacting with p-aminobenzene sulfonic acid and α-naphthylamine.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
