英语人>网络例句>化生 相关的搜索结果


与 化生 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Part two is mainly about instruction of ancient educatees and their interfluve under privilege system so that to lead discussion on questions of privilege and "avoiding privilege" of ancient enactment of qualification to education which focuses especially on normal educatees' restriction when going to school and "privilege elimination" of some privileged educatees such as students of the Imperial College.


Inflorescences axillary, ramiflorous, cauliflorous, or terminal, simple or rarely compound, with flowers borne laterally either in pairs or sometimes singly, racemose, sometimes spicate, paniculate, or condensed into a head; bracts subtending flower pairs usually small, sometimes accrescent and woody; floral bracts usually minute or absent.


Because there are many complex factors resulting in concrete cardonated,the experimences of other peoples must be used in line with local conditions and materials other than simply when study on carbonation speed and evaluation of proof carbonification.


The petal of Gli CMS crimples.The stamen turns into featheriness, the form of the petal , silk form or degradates. Without anther structure, the carpel, it is protruding that the outer edge grows tumour form.The growing style of stamen and pistil is the adhesion type or the scattered type. The shape of pistil is straight or hooked. The opening style of flower is full-nfolded,half-closed or full-closed.

Gli CMS的花瓣皱缩,雄蕊变为羽毛状、花瓣状、丝状或者退化;无花药结构,心皮化,周缘生有瘤状突起;雌雄蕊着生方式为粘连型,有的是散生型;雌蕊有的是直柱形,有的是钩型的;花朵开放方式为全展型、半闭型和全闭型。

With the deflected succession of aquatic ecotype plant functional group,the dominance of mesophytes and xerophytes increased,while the dominance of aquatic and hygric plants decreased. However,there are only planting crops in the reclaimed wetland. In the composition of plant biotype functional group,the hydrophytes reduced quickly with the deflected succession and the dominance of perennial herbs is mostly marked,and there are only annual herbs in reclaimed wetland. Compared with primary swamp,the species diversity index of meadow is the highest,the swampy meadow follows,and the reclaimed wetland is the lowest.


In terms of culm size, biomass, distribution and adaptability, 33 bamboo species with potential value for energy-oriented use are listed in this paper, among which 14 being sympodial, 18 monopodial and 1 amphipodial.


The steps of the method including boiling whole, slices or pieces of the raw edible product for a time sufficient to partially cook the starch and soften the tissue of the edible product; comminuting the cooked product; and drying the comminuted product.


The conclusion has summarized the similarities and differences between this play and the other Ibsen's dramatic works. It both absorbs the nourishments in the early Ibsen's romantic poems and the realistic plays, and has opened the symbolism way. The unique play form of The Master Builder is the symbol of the modern plays'movement: the highly philosophized subjects, the concealed plots and the introverted structures.


The procedure of biscuit firing of clad plate base blank is carried out as follows: Weigh a certain amount of raw material in proportion by feeder, by conveyor belt the raw material is ground in a ball mill; after grinding for 12 hours, sifting-out and de-ironing, it is transferred to be homogenized and outworn in homogenization pool; then after spray drying granulation in spray tower, the powder is pressed into a certain size of blank by brick machine, afterwards, the blank will be dehydrated in drying kiln, through high-temperature sintering, base blank of clad plate with stable mechanical, chemical, physical performance has been finished.


Besides,the control of production techniques and the key techniques including sterile filtration and sterile bottle-filling etc.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
