英语人>网络例句>化学变化 相关的搜索结果


与 化学变化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this study, WCS was obtained by carbonizing wood material impregnated with PF resin without oxygen. The yield, properties, effect factors, microstructure of the products and the chemical reaction were analyzed.


Objective:To understand the chemical changes in the decocting process of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei.


The difficulty of degumming storage-damaged soybean crude oil and high phosphorous content of degummed oil are apparently related to chemical changes of the phosp holipids compositions.


In order to prevent heat flow from transferring to internal structural componants, thermal protective composites are used to absorb and consume plenty of heat by means of mass losing caused by complicated physical and chemical reactions of decomposing, melting, vaporizing, subliming and so on, and widely applied as thermal protective components of strategical and tactical missiles and other re-entry spacecrafts.


"We've always assumed that life was a planetary phenomenon. Only on planets would you have the liquids thought necessary for the chemistry of life," he said."So if you could have life in the hot gases of a star, or in the hot, interstellar gas that suffuses the space between the stars, well, not only would that be 'life as we don't know it' but it might be the most common type of life."


By comparison with docosanoic acid and sulfurized ios-butyl olefin, it was found that when sulfur element was int...


A solid takes part in chemical change insofar as it dissolve or volatilizes .


It consists of three ingredients: baking soda, the source of the carbon dioxide gas that causes the dough or batter to rise; an acid, such as cream of tartar, calcium acid phosphate, or sodium aluminum sulphate, which, when the powder is combined with a liquid, causes the baking soda to release its gas; and a starch such as cornstarch or flour, to prevent the powder from absorbing moisture.

酸性物质遇到液体以后,就会让小苏达发生化学变化,产生二氧化碳气体;最后还有淀粉,比如面粉或者玉米淀粉,作用是防止粉末吸湿受潮。很多中文食谱把BAKING POWDER翻成泡打粉,其实深圳一些街市小铺,小超市有买7毛一包的泡打粉,用的就是明矾,建议大家尽量去找用塔塔粉的。

Result: Handling with the fresh Herba Andrographis according to current pharmacopeoia's technology, it showed that only dehyandrographolide can be detected. It indicated that the main factor that leads to chemical change is the heating process in the process of production.


The color of feces and bile of the chemical change is closely related to the color of bile which contains bile pigment type and concentration.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
