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与 势的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Utilizing wave function expansion method, all of the potential functions of scattered waves are transformed into one coordinate system with the aid of Graff's addition theorem.


The potential produced by a charge distribution on the self affine set and its analytic properties are studied.


The main work can be summed up as follows: Firstly, we studied the thermal-field properties of VCSELs, and analyzed the influences of current spreading, material parameters and operating conditions on the temperature distributions. Secondly, we began with the electrode voltage and calculated the equipotential s distributions, compared the distributions of voltages and current densities in different depths of VCSELs, and then studied the influences of the oxide-confining region with different position or thickness, and the different sizes of the gain-guided aperture and emitting window on the distributions of the injected current density, carrier concentration and temperature in the active region. Thirdly, we realized the coupling of electricity, optical and thermal-fields, worked out the threshold voltage, calculated the distributions of the injected current density, carrier concentration and temperature under different offset voltages, and analyzed the impacts of temperature profile and carrier density on the refractive index, Fermi levels and optical-field. Finally, we gave the equipotential line distributions with considering N-DBR and double oxidized-confining regions, and analyzed theinfluences of N-DBR and double oxide-confining regions on the distributions of the current density, carrier concentration, temperature and optical-field.


Based on parameter free interionic potentials of the Gordon Kim modified electron gas formalism extended to molecular ions, the structure phase transitions in ionic molecular solids of the perovskites ABX 3 are discussed, which take the results of molecular dynamics simulations of KCaF 3 as an example.


Base on the threshold voltage model presented, an intrinsic drain current model in strong inversion region is developed, which can describe the short-channel effects such as DIBL and charge-sharing effect well, and give special considerations for mobility, velocity saturation, channel length modulation and quantum effect. Based on the front interface surface potential model, a formula of unified inversion charge is derived, and an intrinsic drain current model in middle inversion region is developed.


Covalent bond, ionic bond, metallic interaction and Van der Waals force. Different potentials can be constructed according to the different interactions. For different types of phenomena of some interaction, different potentials can also be constructed. So, a great variety of potentials can be found in literature.

可依据不同类型的相互作用如共价键、离子键、金属键和Van der Waals力等构建不同类型的原子间相互作用势,而且同一类型的相互作用也因所处理的性质或过程(如体积、表面、团簇、缺陷等)不同所采用的形式也不相同,这样就构建了大量的各种形式的原子间相互作用势。

It is also found that if the monatomic model of Johnson is used the pair potential constructed by the former method can give correct heats of solution.


Simultaneity, the adsorption energies of single Si adatom on the H-terminated Si (100) surfaces are specially mapped out in this paper, from which the favorite binding sites and possible diffusion pathways have been achieved. The variety of the diffusion anisotropy with the coverage transforming is obtained. The energy barriers of the adatom diffusion are found to be higher than that on the clean surface, because the H atoms saturate the dangling bonds of the surface Si atoms.

同时,本文研究了附加硅原子在理想H-terminated Si(100)表面的沉积扩散行为,计算得到了一系列沉积点和可能的扩散路径;讨论分析了扩散行为的各向异性以及氢覆盖率对各向异性影响的规律,并且发现附加硅原子在H-terminated Si(100)表面上的扩散势垒比在清洁Si(100)表面上的高,我们认为这主要是因为氢原子饱和了表面上硅原子的悬挂键,提高了扩散势垒。

According the experiential formulas of headbox to design the stepped diffuser headbox's geometry parameters. Supposing Paper suspension flow as potential flow and basing on hydrokinetic and computational fluid dynamics theories, we can solve the elliptoid partial differential equations which are followed by the flow functions and the potential functions by finite element method and simulate the flow's speed distribution with pde toolbox of matlab software. The simulate results and the flow analysis have good precision.

按照流浆箱的经验设计公式,设计阶梯扩散式流浆箱的各组件几何参数,以流体动力学、计算流体力学等理论为基础,假定浆流的流动为势流,采用有限元法求解浆流流动时其流函数和速度势函数所符合的椭圆型偏微分方程,应用matlab软件的偏微分方程工具包pde toolbox,模拟出所设计的流浆箱各组件内的浆流的流场流速分布,模拟结果与数值计算流动分析结果吻合。

Corresponding to the long-lasting El Nio event, cyclonic anomalous circulation over the eastern North Pacific weakens slowly and anticyclonic anomalous circulation over the western North Pacific strengthens slowly at 850 hPa. Therefore the tropical Pacific westerly anomaly keeps long. The anomalous positive velocity potential over the western South Pacific at 200 hPa, which is related to the strong Australian winter monsoon, helps a long duration of El Nio. Corresponding to the short-lasting El Nio, the anomalous positive velocity potential over the western Pacific at 200 hPa moves eastward quickly and results in the vanishing of El Nio event.

还发现对于持续时间较长的El Nio事件,东北太平洋上850hPa异常气旋性环流减弱和西北太平洋上异常反气旋性环流增强较慢,因此赤道太平洋异常西风维持的时间也较长,而与澳大利亚冬季风加强相关联的南半球西太平洋的速度势正距平的维持,对El Nio的持续也起一定作用;对应持续时间较短的El Nio事件,西太平洋上200hPa速度势正距平的迅速东移,对El Nio的迅速消亡起重要作用。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
