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Magnetic flux, flux density and induced voltage under different electrical excitation are obtained by calculating the nonlinear magnetic circuit equation.


The influence of medical castration to the endocrine secretion is reversible and the surgical castration is not.


At first, a castrated rat model was used to study the microcirculation of prostate post castration.


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And the seismic signal is transformed into the standard form of cusp catastrophe by establishing the cusp model.


In this thesis the process of constructing the non-perturbative Hamiltonian theory is de-scribed and is applied to estimate the vacuum condensate. It contains the following contents:At the very beginning, by using the path integral method and eliminating the gluon freedom, aGCM action 〓 of current quarks including lower order current-current coupling was derivedfrom the QCD Lagrangian and the effective Hamiltonian operator that could hardly be doneby the normal methods was derived. After doing this, the broken vacuum is introduced whichincludes quark-antiquark condensate through the generalized Bogoliubov-Valatin transformation,the effective Hamiltonian of constituent quark was derived. The detailed formulas containingthe spatial current-current coupling term for the effective Hamiltonian and gap equations wasworked out by parameterizing the correlation kernel as a quadratic potential. And then, the gapequation was solved and the quark-antiquark condensate of vacuum was studied both in the casesof instantaneous interaction and retarded interaction. In the end, the effective Hamiltionian withtwo-body quark-quark interaction was derived with one-body approximation, and with the helpof the functional integral method the coupling non-linear dynamic equations for systems withnuclear matter was derived. Finally, these equations were solved by selfconsistent method andthe effect of nuclear matter on vacuum condensate was studied. The spatial current-current coupling term is too difficult to handle, hence the correlationkernel is assumed to be not important and usually omitted in the pure vacuum condensate, andthe instantaneous interaction generally is adopted. Retaining the spatial current-current termand partial retardation effect, the quark pairs condensate in pure vacuum was studied, and theeffect of quark mass was also studied. At present, little study is focused in the case with nuclearmatter and spatial current-current term also omitted. Under the approximation with partialspatial current-current term, the effect of nuclear matter on vacuum condensate was studied.


It was found:(1) the stability of the clusters increased with the bond number in the clusters;(2) the clusters with three dimensional geometry are more stable than ones with two decisional geometry;(3) the ionic potential of the clusters in gas phase and on the surface of the silver bromide grains are all positive, and the electron affinity are all negative.


In order to know irradiant dynamic process we must have excitation crosssection of electron collision with molecule. Incident electron energy is inintermediate range. At low energy, there are several good methods thatcalculate electron collision with molecule for example Variation, R-matrix.


Firstly, all of univariant line equations are attained; secondly, a crossing point (φ i , pH i ) is got by solving univariant line equations including a main component one another; thirdly,φ i is compared with the chemical potentials φ of other components in this crossing point by chemical potentials minimization.

提出了一种新的绘制φ—pH 图的方法,即先求出所有的单变线方程,再选取某一种组分Mi 为主组分,把含有该组分的所有单变线方程两两求解,求出交点,然后用化学势约束原理法,将主组分同其它组分在该点的化学势作比较,若前者的化学势小于后者,则该点为所求的三相点。

From the potential energy profile, it can be predicted that, the dominant channel of this reaction consists of three steps: the two reactants first form a three-membered ring intermediate (INT1) through a barrier-free exothermic reaction of 19.2 kJ/mol; three-membered ring intermediate (INT1) isomerizes to a four-membered ring silylene(P2) via the transition state (TS2) with an energy barrier of 22.8 kJ/mol; four-membered ring silylene(P2) further reacts with ethene(R2) to form a silicic bis-heterocyclic compound (P3), which is also a barrier-free exothermic reaction of 132.2 kJ/mol.

用CCSD//MP2/6-31G*方法研究了单重态二甲基亚烷基硅烯与乙烯生成硅杂双环化合物环加成反应的机理,根据该反应的势能面可以预言,该反应的主反应通道有三步组成:第一步是两反应物(R1, R2)首先生成了一三元环中间体(INT1),它是一无势垒的放热反应,放出的能量为19.2 kJ/mol;第二步是三元环中间体(INT1)经过渡态TS2异构化为了四元环硅烯(P2),其势垒为22.8 kJ/mol;第三步是四元环硅烯(P2)进一步与乙烯(R2)反应生成了硅杂双环化合物(P3),该反应也是一无势垒的放热反应,放出的能量为132.2 kJ/mol。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
