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与 势的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The quasi-elastic barrier distribution D〓 extends to low energy region and enhances the fusion cross section at the sub-barrier energies. It is still needed to do some work to determine the deformation parameter β〓 for light odd-odd nucleus, like 〓Li and to calculate all reaction channels by means of CDCC code simultaneously. It is important to measure the exclusive angular distributions of breakup fragments.


Our results reveal that with the same number of cobalt atoms and the same cobalt-substrate interation stength, the melting points and pre-melting intervals of the two kinds of supported Co clusters are all in reasonable agreement with each other. With increasing the depth of supported potential, the melting points increase for the supported cluster. Similar to the case of free clusters, the linear relation between the melting point and the inverse of cluster's size cube root is also found for the two kinds of supported clusters.


In this thesis, we solve this problem by combining the overall functions of potential interactions, which include the van der Waals attractive potential, repulsive electrical double layer potential, Born repulsive potential and magnetic interaction, as well as the hydrodynamic interaction, the gravity and the Brown diffusion, and therefore unveil the significant influence of the interparticle potential on the sedimentation of stable colloidal systems.

在本论文中,通过综合考虑胶体粒子间的势力相互作用——包括vander Waals分子引力势、双电荷层静电斥力势、Born排斥势和磁力势等,还有流体动力相互作用、重力相互作用、布朗热动力等诸多因素的影响,我们解决了这一难题,揭示了粒子间势给胶体系统的沉降行为带来的重大影响。

B using press-volume technique, this paper studied the seasonal changes of water potential at saturated point (Ψ, water potential at turgor loss point (Ψ relative osmotic water content at turgor loss point ROWC(superscript thp, relative water content at turgor loss point RWC(superscript tlp, relative content of apoplastic water, bound water/free water V(subscript a/V, and the difference between (Ψ and (Ψ of Reaurnuria trigyna growing on heavy solonchack, non-salinized soil, and saline soil.

运用压力容积技术,研究了4种盐分生境下长叶红砂饱和含水量时最大渗透势Ψ(上标 sat 下标 s、初始质壁分离时的渗透势Ψ(上标 tlp 下标 s初始质壁分离时渗透水相对含量ROWC(上标 tlp、初始质壁分离时的相对含水量RWC(上标 tlp、质外体水的相对含量、束缚水与自由水的比值V(下标 a/V,以及饱和含水量时最大渗透势与初始质壁分离时的渗透势之差的季节变化。

Usual interaction potential is Lindhard potential, Moliere potential and Sine-square potential.


Objective To investigate estrogen and andro gen on the regulation of gene expression of insulin-like growth factorⅠmRNA in prostatic tissues. Methods IGF-ⅠmRNA was quantitat ively ass essed in BPH and SD rat prostatic tissues using dot blot hybridization technique .

目的 探讨雌、雄激素对列腺中胰岛素样生长因子Ⅰ基因表达的影响方法采用斑点杂交结合图像分析技术,观察药物去势和未药物去势BPH患者前列腺组织以及正常组、去势组、外源性雄激素组、雌激素组鼠前列腺组织中IGF-ⅠmRNA表达情况。

Of the 32 cases,26 underwent bilateral orchiectomy before radiotherapy, l case received emasculation by radiotherapy and 5 cases by luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist.


Disease-snobbery is only one out of a great multitude of snobberies, of which now some, now others take pride of place in general esteem.


On the other hand, the imaginary part of our potential between kaon and nucleus is similar to that between nucleon and nucleus, but the real part of the potential between kaon and nucleus is much deeper and narrower in radial distribution.


The carbon potential in zones of II, III, IV and V is 1.00%, 1.15%, 0.90% and 0.90%, respectively. The temping temperature is 190 ℃, and the cycle of feed is 25min.

确定了最佳的热处理渗碳工艺参数为:Ⅰ区880℃;Ⅱ区900℃、碳势为1.00 %;Ⅲ区920℃、碳势为1.15%;Ⅳ区900℃、碳势为0.90 %;Ⅴ区835℃、碳势为0.90%;回火温度190℃,推料周期为25 分钟。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
