英语人>网络例句>动荡的 相关的搜索结果


与 动荡的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Traditionally, your country has produced many a great minds in every field; their ideas and impact have always been the world's pride and hallmarked Italy's remarkable maturity of your democracy and your permissiveness.


The Great Sea he saw through its unquiet regions teeming with strange forms, even to its lightless depths, in which amid the everlasting darkness there echoed voices terrible to mortal ears.


Riskily, his government favoured the Malays at the expense of the Chinese and got away with it without too much social unrest.


One of the reasons why many artisans are swooning over titanium is the number of possibilities that can be achieved using the metal.


Indeed, the disorder was first "discovered" among East Germans who had become unmoored, unemployed, and insecure in the social upheaval following the fall of the Berlin Wall.


The principle is closely linked to that of statesovereignty and noninterference in other countries internal affairs, and it does not mean that people can unrestrictedly extend the applicable framework of the national self-determination s right in spite of corresponding historical conditions.


And, MU , the stock mentioned in the real time alert for high volatility play made the big move as expected, closed down –13.61%! What's more, as noted in the last update for "Cubes" Speculator ," we'll have to watch for a potential fadeout/shakeout, which could come as soon as tomorrow …", last Friday QQQQ went down as expected as well , although as mentioned one set-up closed previously already made +31%.

另外﹐ MU ﹐实时预警的高动荡股果然如惊弓之鸟﹐一天即大跌了13.61%﹗此外﹐如同早先在上次更新的 QQQQ预警中所指出的﹐「我们必须注意潜在的削弱与震仓﹐这些最快明天即可能来临…」﹐QQQQ在星期五果然走跌﹐如早先提及之前结束的一个设定已经获利了+31%。

Moreover, if the people of eastern Europe felt they had been cut adrift by western Europe, they could fall for populists or nationalists of a kind who have come to power far too often in Europe's history.

此外, 如果东欧的人民觉得西欧已对他们的生死置之不理,他们可能转去投靠民粹主义或民族主义者----重踏那些在欧洲历史上多次发生的,民粹主义和民族主义在动荡时期夺取政权的历史教训。

Certainly, there are some disadvantages here, for instant, the unstable society, public security is not very good, corruption of officials, and so on.So Africa is suitable to the people who have adventured spirit, independent ability of living, the willing for approaching and closing to nature.


As one of the macro-manipulative measures, planning can be understood on two levels, first, as comprehensive blueprinting of national economy and social development; second, as regulation imposed upon certain important economic activities in the operation of national economy.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
