英语人>网络例句>动荡的 相关的搜索结果


与 动荡的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The big question is whether the government will be able to avoid large-scale civil unrest.


The distress of the people, the laborers without bread, the last Prince de Conde engulfed in the shadows, Brussels expelling the Nassaus as Paris did the Bourbons, Belgium offering herself to a French Prince and giving herself to an English Prince, the Russian hatred of Nicolas, behind us the demons of the South, Ferdinand in Spain, Miguel in Portugal, the earth quaking in Italy, Metternich extending his hand over Bologna, France treating Austria sharply at Ancona, at the North no one knew what sinister sound of the hammer nailing up Poland in her coffin, irritated glances watching France narrowly all over Europe, England, a suspected ally, ready to give a push to that which was tottering and to hurl herself on that which should fall, the peerage sheltering itself behind Beccaria to refuse four heads to the law, the fleurs -de -lys erased from the King's carriage, the cross torn from Notre Dame, Lafayette lessened, Laffitte ruined, Benjamin Constant dead in indigence, Casimir Perier dead in the exhaustion of his power; political and social malady breaking out simultaneously in the two capitals of the kingdom, the one in the city of thought, the other in the city of toil; at Paris civil war, at Lyons servile war; in the two cities, the same glare of the furnace; a crater-like crimson on the brow of the people; the South rendered fanatic, the West troubled, the Duchesse de Berry in la Vendee, plots, conspiracies, risings, cholera, added the sombre roar of tumult of events to the sombre roar of ideas.


Calm down by that uninterrupted growth , our country have experienced a lot of dynasty turbulence, after oppressing and the war outburst for feudalist society, be founded and opening to the outside world to Republic of China, our country people successively has set off the head of a family form living , acting on self's own freely , our country already becomes a Great Power now , a lot of product already enters international market , a galaxy of talent moreover all all are to have a facile imagination , thought opens to the outside world , intelligence surpasses, I believe in , make great efforts process a few although our country does not belong to the developed country now,we are sure to keep a foothold on the world , become and the developed country part, This is that I need to sing the praises of and is that makes great efforts.


Wen said buoying up their confidence was "a powerful weapon to deal with the adverse effects of the global economic turbulence and financial turmoil" when inspecting local private enterprises and large-scale companies.


In the subsequent two centuries, the history of our bilateral relations to a torrent in many different directions, but even in the most turbulent in the direction of our two peoples to build deep, and even dramatic ties, such as the Americans will never forget that during World War II, U.S. pilots shot down over China, the local people for their hospitality, Chinese citizens risked the danger of losing everything covered with them. http://www.engok.com


Moment of inchoate of that is to say, it is social form, international situation is queasier, back-to-back, to now, especially Olympic Games end is the following this one half months, this one month, experienced a kind of coast and finance kind queasy unprecedented still, whole environment it is not quite good that I feel, very bad perhaps, pressure is very great, but Internet is told with respect to a few business that pursue a respect, still had last year relatively this year add of situation.


Here centered the investor of all sorts of types, include private equity fund, fund, joint to rushing fund and medicinal powder door; Here is valuable the advocate of investment, also have round congenial public figure, a lot of people think a few dangerous characters can increase the risk of the market, but final result may be one centered the market of all sorts of type investor often is stabilize and not be the queasiest most, and the market also is the most accurate to the appraise value of the company.


But while the cost of action will be great, I can assure you that the cost of inaction will be far greater, for it could result in an economy that sputters along for not months or years, but perhaps a decade.


For example, an American recession breeds greater protectionism, global financial turmoil unnerves Chinese stockmarket investors, share prices collapse and a downturn creates social unrest.

比如, 美国的衰退催生更深的保护主义,全球金融动荡令中国股市投资者产生恐慌,股价崩盘,同时衰退造成社会动荡。

It's disappointing that LGBT discussions aren't allowed because of their potential to be volatile conversations, and it's disappointing that the preferred response by the moderating staff is to lock and delete these threads instead of patrolling and containing the bigots and trolls.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
