英语人>网络例句>动脉狭窄 相关的搜索结果


与 动脉狭窄 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wister rats can be anesthesiaed by 3% Barbital- natrium (0.1ml/100g ip), then rat can be immobilitied on the operation table and makes a 2cm abdominal-median-mcision to detach abdomial aorta and uses seven-size suture silk to ligate abdomial aorta with seven-size needle, and draw out probe. At the same time rats were injected ten-myriad-unit Benzylpenicillin into abdominal cavity and sutured abdominal cavity.

取Wistar大鼠115只用3%戊巴比妥钠(按0.1ml/100g ip)麻醉,将动物固定于手术台上,腹部正中切口2cm后钝性分离腹主动脉,在肾动脉分枝上用7号缝合线将腹主动脉与7号针头一起结扎,然后抽出探针形成腹主动脉狭窄(约50%),同时腹腔一次性注射青霉素10万单位关腹缝合。

The answer to the questions just posed is two fold: aortic stenosis in 2009 is the result of congenital bicuspid aortic valves and atherosclerotic/calcific aortic valves.


CEA and coronary artery bypass grafting were simultaneously performed in 18 patients.


Stent should be soft, with good lateral bending property, and diameter of the stent should be 1.0-2.0 mm longer than the actual stenosis. Implantation technique should be improved. These can reduce extrusion and cutting action of the atheromatous plaque due to balloon dilatation and stent expansion, and prevent plaque defluxion during implantation. Filter protection device is used to filter tissue debris and to prevent microemboli entering cerebral circulation, which can elevate safety of carotid stent implantation.

选择相对柔软的,侧弯性能较好,且直径应比狭窄处实测直径大1.0~ 2.0 mm的支架,提高置入操作技术,可以减轻支架置入过程中球囊扩张及支架膨胀时对粥样斑块的挤压与切割作用,防止斑块脱落,同时使用滤器脑保护装置以过滤较大组织碎片,阻止较大微栓子进入脑循环,提高颈动脉支架置入的安全性。

Doxy treatment inhibits the activity of MMPs, the SMC proliferation ofintimal, neointimal hyperplasia and vascular remodeling which suggesting Doxy treatmentbe useful in preventing restenosis after PTCA.

用球囊扩张法可成功建立大鼠颈总动脉损伤膜型;Doxy 可以显著降低血管损伤后 MMPs 活性,抑制内膜 SMCs 的增殖、新生内膜增生以及后期的管腔重构,提示它可能具有防治 PTCA 术后再狭窄的作用。

If an embolus is travelling in an artery, it will eventually reach a narrow point where it gets stuck.


Pathologic results: The bronchioles showed obvious chronic inflammatory process of bronchioles including thickened wall, narrowed lumen, goblet cell proliferation, emphraxis in bronchiole, interstitial fibrosis and developed emphysema in stable model of COPD.


DSA displayed stricture or obliteration of ICA in hemi or bilateral,some cases incorporated vertebrae basilar artery pathology also,all cases displayed abnormity vasoganglion in some degree.


Results The average onset age of moyamoya disease was very young. Female was dominant in our studied. Younger patients with moyamoya disease mainly suffered cerebral ischemia (87.5%). Adult patients suffered more cerebral hemorrhage (41.2%). Among clinical manifestations, headache, vertigo, paralysis, hemiplegia or alternative hemiplegia were common symptoms. Sometimes aphasia, dementia, visual acuity were decreasing, epilepsy and chorea minor might occur. 14 cases had received CT examination, but none was diagnosed moyamoya disease by CT. All patients received MRI and MRA examinations were diagnosed as moyatnoya disease.

结果 烟雾病发病平均年龄较轻,女性多于男性;少儿烟雾病患者以缺血改变为主(87.5%),成年烟雾病患者缺血改变(58.8%)与出血改变(41.2%)相当;临床以头痛、头晕、肢体无力或偏瘫或交替性瘫痪为主要表现,同时可伴失语、智能下降、视力下降、癫痫发作、小舞蹈发作等表现。14例行头CT检查仅示颅内病灶,均未提示烟雾病;25例均行MRI和MRA检查发现颅内病灶,显示颈内动脉虹吸末段和大脑前或中动脉近段狭窄或闭塞,并有脑基底部异常血管网及侧支循环形成,均被诊断为烟雾病。

To test the hypothesis that concentration polarization of atherogenic lipids may occur in the arterial system and play an important role in localization of atherosclerosis, we simulated and measured in vitro the luminal surface concentration of low density lipoprotein in local stenosis at the distal end of carotid artery by number simulation and laser scanning confocal microscopy, then we designed carotid stenosis model to test the role of LDL concentration polarization in atherogenesis.

低密度脂蛋白(low density lipoprotein, LDL)浓度极化可能是动脉粥样硬化局灶性的重要原因,本文以狭窄血管远心端为研究对象,探讨LDL浓度极化对动脉粥样硬化发生、发展的影响。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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