英语人>网络例句>加工面 相关的搜索结果


与 加工面 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It suggests guarantees that the toolpath of climb cutting can be obtained in consideration of the cutter location surface Zmap model features, thus to gain a qualitied surface.


Technology applicable to pull flowers, Christmas tree decorations, Rubiaceae, Christmas, happy supplies, catering jewelry, crafts gift packaging, composite packaging materials, high-grade packaging boxes, greeting cards, decorative surface materials, the stage and window decoration, and many other fields.

适用于工艺拉花、圣诞装饰树、茜草、圣诞、喜庆用品、餐饮饰品,工艺礼品包装、复合包装材料、高档包装盒、贺卡、装饰面材、舞台橱窗装饰等众多领域。PVC金银蝴蝶纹、羊皮纹等:主要用于箱包、手袋以及鞋类制作。表面用各类彩膜复合,欢迎来样订做。可来样加工,打电话可以索要样品 Gold and silver membrane

Mainly supply imported and famous-brand special steel,including ASSAB、BOHLER、HITACHI、DAIDO、SINTO、SAARSTAHL、BUDERUS、ALLEGHENY LUDLUM 、BRUSH WELLMAN、ALCOA and domestic special mold steel, copper, aluminum, and non-metal materials from large scale special ste钢材价格走势图el enterprise. We have enough inventory of cold-working steel, heat-working steel, plastic mold steel, and powder steel, etc, a full series of top quality mold steel, to supply to large and medium enterprise,moreover,we offer 24 hours cutting and quick delivery service,Besides,we offer 6-sides mill processing for gloss and fine plates,heat treating, and other service, too.

主营进口特殊钢,销售品牌有瑞典ASSAB、奥地利BOHLER、日本HITACHI、DAIDO、SINTO、德国BUDERUS、美国ALLEGHENY LUDLUM、 BRUSH WELLMAN、ALCOA及国内大型特钢企业生产的特殊模具钢、铜、铝、及非金属用材,品种齐全,现货供应,备料充足,为各大中企业客户提供冷作钢、热作钢、塑模钢、粉末钢等全系列高品质模具钢种,而且提供24小时锯料及每天快捷发货服务;另提供六面铣的光、精板铣磨等精机加工,材料热处理等一条龙服务、一体化保证。

Mainly supply imported and famous-brand special steel,including ASSAB、BOHLER、HITACHI、DAIDO、SINTO、SAARSTAHL、BUDERUS、ALLEGHENY LUDLUM 、BRUSH WELLMAN、ALCOA and domestic special mold steel, copper, aluminum, and non-metal materials from large scale special steel enterprise. We have enough inventory of cold-working steel, heat-working steel, plastic mold steel, and powder steel, etc, a full series of top quality mold steel, to supply to large and medium enterprise,moreover,we offer 24 hours cutting and quick delivery service,Besides,we offer 6-sides mill processing for gloss and fine plates,heat treating, and other service, too.

主营进口特殊钢,销售品牌有瑞典ASSAB、奥地利BOHLER、日本HITACHI、DAIDO、SINTO、德国BUDERUS、美国ALLEGHENY LUDLUM、 BRUSH WELLMAN、ALCOA及国内大型特钢企业生产的特殊模具钢、铜、铝、及非金属用材,品种齐全,现货供应,备料充足,为各大中企业客户提供冷作钢、热作钢、塑模钢、粉末钢等全系列高品质模具钢种,而且提供24小时锯料及每天快捷发货服务;另提供六面铣的光、精板铣磨等精机加工,材料热处理等一条龙服务、一体化保证。

The fixed assets are 78 million Yuan. The main equipment for mould is imported from abroad such as: Three coordinate numerical control milling machine imported from Japan, on set; large type the five coordinate milling machine typed dragon imported from Spain, sise (4000 x 2500), one set; three coordinate numerical control processing center size (2000 x 1000) imported from Spain, one set; powerful numerical control milling machine typed dragon imported from Taiwan, size (3200 x 2540), one set; five coordinate milling machine typed with five drift link movement imported from Italy, size (4000 x 2500), one set; Five faces numerical control milling machine HVM502T typed dragon imported from Taiwan, one set; numerical control scanning measuring machine imported from America size (5000 x 2438 x l824), one set. Others sophisticated equipment are made in China, such as numerical control cutting machine, planer typed dragon, pressing machine for research, total 16 set; advanced computer graphical working station, total 40 sets. The automobile cover has become into advantage, which is supplied various auto. Cover mould and cool Press mould to many big factories, such as: Jinan Auto. Manufacturing General Factory, Beijing Light-duty Auto. Manufacture Co., Changhe Auto. Manufacturing Factory, Shandonq Bulldozed General Factory, Jinan Diesel Factory, Qongdao Sifang Locomotive Factory, Dongfeng Auto.

该厂现有固定资产7800万元,用于模具制造的有日本引进的数控三座标铣床一台,西班牙引进的大型五坐标龙门仿形铣床一台(4000*2500),三座标数控加工中心一台(2000*1000),从台湾引进的强力数控龙门铣床一台(32O0*2540),从意大利引进的五轴联动五座标龙门铣床一台(4000*2500),从台湾引进五面体数控龙门铣床HVM502T一台,从美国引进的数控扫描测量机一台(5000*2438*1824)以及国产联高精尖的数控切割机,龙门刨床、研配压床等大型设备 I6 台套,高档计算机图形工作站40多台,在模具制造方面已形成制造汽车覆盖件模具的优势,产品质量达到国内先进水平,多年来为济南汽车制造总厂、北京轻型汽车制造有限公司,昌河汽车制造厂、山东推土机总厂、济南柴油机厂、青岛四方机车厂、东风汽车公司等大型骨干企业的产品更新换代生产制造了各种类型的覆盖件模具及冷冲模具,受到用户的好评,并建立了较稳定的供需关系。

In this paper, some characteristic functions of the multifunctional single-flank mesh gear tester of model CD320G-D which is applying gear integrated error measuring technique, computer technique, error separation technique, fault diagnosis technique and error prediction technique, including automatic searching of profile error start point, determination of profile barrelling, separation of profile form error and profile slope error, measurement of profile error with evaluation range subtracting tooth tip, measurement of tooth topograph and statistical analysis of gear manufacture error, are presented.

阐述了综合应用齿轮整体误差测量技术、计算机技术、误差分离技术、故障诊断技术和误差预报技术的多功能 CD320G-D 型单啮仪的一些具有特色的功能。这些功能包括齿形误差起测点的自动找定、凸形齿凸形量的测定及其形状误差与倾斜误差的分离、取值范围扣除齿顶部的齿形误差的测量、齿面轮廓度误差的测量以及齿轮加工误差的大样本统计分析。

The infrared radiation characteristics of unsymmetrically two dimensional nozzle are experimentally studied. UTDN is designed and manufactured by prolonging one broad side of a general two-dimensional nozzle AR8 and its aspect radio is 8. Temperature distribution on the axes and spectral IR intensity on the orientation of 0, 10, 30, 60 and 90° on three typical detective planes of the hot plume are measured on hot plume simulation platform of the turbo fan engine.

为了研究非对称二元喷管(Unsymmetrically two-dimensional nozzle, UTDN)的红外辐射特性,首先以宽高比为8的常规二元喷管(AR8)为基础,设计加工了UTDN,然后在涡扇发动机热喷流实验台上测量了UTDN轴线上的温度分布以及在后半球典型探测面内0, 10, 30, 60和90°方向上的红外光谱辐射强度,积分得到辐射强度的空间分布,并在相同的实验条件下,与AR8进行了比较。

An unconventional form lapping based on rapid prototyping technology has been studied to solve this problem and a graphite electrode abrading machine is successfully developed.


The objective of processing technology for cambered cam isothermal extrusion forming is net-shape and near-net shape. Using MSC.


They were:"healthy";"Western/Swedish"(red meat, processed meat, poultry, rice, pasta, eggs, fried potatoes and fish);"alcohol"(wine, liquor, beer and some snacks); and "sweets"(sweet baked goods, lollies, chocolate, jam and ice-cream).


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
