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By regression of experimental data, therules of the linkage between these factors, which will provide a theoretical basis for designing BBP with different scales.3 Using thermal analysis technology and dynamic thermogravimetry, the paper studies combustion kinetic characteristics of 3 types of agricultural crops at different rate of temperature rise, and thus, achieved dynamic parameters of these fuels at different rate of temperature, established dynamic model of straw combustion, which reflects the dynamic process in the fast combustion area.4 Characteristics of straw briquette combustion was experimented, focusing on the impact of straw type, temperature, air supply, and density, diameter, and weight of briquette on the combustion speed, and the following conclusions were drawn:(1) combustion of straw briquette fuel is static permeation diffusion combustion;(2) temperature has a larger impact on the speed of straw briquette combustion than air supply; the higher the combustion temperature is, the faster volatilizable component separates out, and the less steady the combustion is;(3) density of briquette fuel has impact on the speed of volatilizable component separation and therefore the combustion speed;(4) increase of diameter and weight of briquette fuel increases the average combustion speed in the initial stage, and that in the later stages is comparatively steady;(5) the proportion of volatilizable component in straw briquette fuel is high, therefore, the temperature control during combustion under the rational ventilation condition is essential to ensure its safe combustion.5 Using the above-mentioned results of experiments and theoretical analysis, and based on thought of hydraulic driven and bi-direction compression, the hydraulic system and compression parts of the HBP BBP are re-designed in terms of industrialization.
利用热分析技术,采用动态热重实验法,对我国的三大农作物秸秆在不同升温速率下的燃烧动力学特性进行了较系统的研究。得到了各原料在不同升温速率下的动力学参数;建立了秸秆燃烧的动力学模型,该模型反映了秸秆迅速燃烧区的动力学过程。 4 对秸秆成型燃料的燃烧特性进行了试验研究。着重研究了秸秆河南农业大学博士学位论文巫的种类、温度、空气供给量、成型燃料密度、直径、质量对成型燃料燃烧速度的影响并得出如下主要结论:①秸秆成型燃料的燃烧方式属于静态渗透式扩散燃烧。②秸秆成型燃料燃烧速度受温度的影响大于通风量燃烧速度的影响:燃烧温度越高,挥发分析出速度越快,燃烧平稳性愈差。③成型燃料密度影响成型燃料挥发分的析出速度,影响燃烧速度。④成型燃料直径和质量的增加,使得燃烧初期的平均燃烧速度增大,中后期的平均燃烧速度相对平稳。⑤秸秆成型燃料含挥发分比例高,因此合理配风下的控温燃烧是保证其完全燃烧的关键。 5运用已取得的试验和理论分析结果,以液压驱动、双向成型为基础,从产业化的角度对HBP型成型机进行了液压系统和成型部件的改进设计;同时采用了二级预压机构,使该成型机的生产率达到 500kg.hd;单位能耗 60kwh。上'左右,磨损件修复周期 300小时左右,基本解决了影响生物质固化技术在国内推广的技术难题。
The writer of Ecclesiastes is Solomon, King David's son.
In addition, snow conditions are normally hard pack and groomed.