英语人>网络例句>刻度 相关的搜索结果


与 刻度 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The point of the probe is placed on the work and the temperature is read from the scale.


Again, In addition to the iron on the turntable scale temperature in the laundry there will also be clearly marked.


. The increase in contrast is due to the considerable spread of the histogram over the entire in- tensity scale.

d 差别是由于在整个者上的柱状图的相当传布在-紧张刻度

Radon and thoron calibration factors are 1.78 and7.63 respectively , the relative error of radon concentration ERS-2 measured is 3.0%compared to the standard radon concentration and thoron is 3.2%. We deduced theequations which can eliminate the mutual interference between radon and thoronmeasurement .

通过 ERS—2 氡析出率仪器的研究,对 ERS—2 测量析出率中道址的选择以及扣除氡钍干扰问题进行了讨论,氡道道址设置为 60—115,钍道道址设置为 119—128,氡钍的刻度系数分别选为 1.78 和 7.63,测得的氡浓度与标准氡浓度的相对误差为 3.0%,测得的钍射气浓度与标准钍射气浓度的相对误差为 3.2%。

In this case, the lever-lock handle is sold separately from the metal index throttling plate.


When you try to change the setting by clicking at the 20 kHz tick mark


Any of the Micron tick mark the number of datum Micron are both zero, in short, squeege instrument slot on both sides is a plane?


Its measurement is the measurement of time, the status of the translucent screen Department or looking at the version will mesh ruler in wire mesh network, and then set the gauge wire edge network, so that the vertical line on the screen ruler and MEST warp or weft parallel, at which point due to the mesh screen coordinates and produces overlapping on vertical ruler that formed over the mesh inferion-edged chevrons patterns within the meaning of the transverse diagonal mesh feet on the scale of numbers, that is, the measured screen mesh size.


And the index also has tritium lume... not sure how it was constructed !


In this paper,the method for calibration of collection efficiencyof total airborne tritium sampler is presented.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
