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与 别的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The only way to decide which to call it is by comparison with other startups.


You worry too much about the emotional anxiety caused by, of course, there may be other reasons.


He had held himself aloof from society; had sat for hours without speaking; had talked at other times by fits and starts; and had excited himself unusually in the discussion of subjects which apparently lay far out of the region of his own life and interests.


By the thousand for the last 5000 years and more.


Moti Sasson, the mayor of Holon, a satellite city of Tel Aviv, has spent ten years trying to pass a by-law that would allow him to tow away illegally parked cars, as other cities do.

为设法通过一项准予其拖走违章停车的地方法规,特拉维夫(以色列的经济、文化中心,亦是其最大的都市———译者)的卫星城 Holon 市长 Moti Sasson 已耗去10年的时间,如此这般"十年磨一剑"的故事亦在别的城市上演。

The president always tells me that when I play there I must get to the byline and put some crosses in.


The byname in Chinese team " microwave oven " veteran Li Nan expresses on its rich guest, hit American team and other group to feel different.


O- C I'm calling to say goodbye to you.


The Jungfuau region means all of the above, but especially: superlative mountain cableway and railway rides.


In July 1998, the small diamond cutting community of Antwerp was strongly shaken by a series of arrests of Lubavitchers. It had been discovered that the diamond business in the Flemish city was a cover for the international heroin traffic. Fifteen kilos had been seized. An Orthodox Jew, Dror Hazenfratz, was the head of the network. Born in Hafa, Hazenfratz had an Israeli passport as well as a Belgian identity card. Before the court, he appeared in traditional black garb—caftan, cap, and curls—which did not prevent him from being condemned to eleven years in prison. There are many other examples.

1998年7月,安特卫普那个小小的切钻石社区因Lubavitchers被逮捕的消息彻底震撼了,这个弗拉芒城市被发现了它的钻石生意原来是用来掩护国际海洛因运输的, 15公斤的海洛因被检获,一个东正教犹太人一个东正教犹太人,Dror Hazenfratz,是网络的首脑,生于以色列海发市, Dror Hazenfratz 持有以色列护照和比利时身份证,在法院上,他穿传统的黑色装扮:卡夫坦,帽子,卷发,但是那并没有阻止了他被判入狱11年,还有许多别的例子

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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
