英语人>网络例句>利率 相关的搜索结果


与 利率 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Where the credit risks of the debtor and the applicable credit risk agios remain unchanged after the issuance of the liability instrument, the benchmark interest rate may be adopted to estimate the interest rate of the current market so as to determine the fair value of the liability instrument.


On the other hand, on an adjustable rate mortgage or ARM, the fully amortizing payment is constant only when the interest rate remains constant.


Furthermore, the thesis analyzes in depth how deflation influences the related behaviors and conductive processes of the mechanism, studies how deflation influences the whole mechanism, and makes a theoretical and empirical study of deflations influence over the effectiveness of monetary policy. It concludes that deflation makes the mechanism checked and thus weakens the effectiveness of monetary policy.


Interest rates for depositors is good news, but to increase interest rates for housing loans to consumers, not necessarily good news.


The following factors, among others, could cause actual results and future events to differ materially from those set forth or contemplated in the forward-looking statements: defaults on or non-renewal of leases by tenants or renewal at lower-than-expected rent or failure to lease at all or on favorable terms, decreases in real estate values and impairment losses, increased interest rates and operating costs or greater-than-expected capital expenditures, our failure to obtain, renew or extend necessary financing, re-financing risks, risks related to our obligations in the event of certain defaults under co-investment ventures and other debt, risks related to debt and equity security financings, difficulties in identifying properties to acquire and in effecting acquisitions, our failure to successfully integrate acquired properties and operations, our failure to divest properties we have contracted to sell or to timely reinvest proceeds from any divestitures, our failure to contribute properties to our co-investment ventures, risks and uncertainties affecting property development, value-added conversions, redevelopment and construction (including construction delays, cost overruns, our inability to obtain necessary permits and public opposition to these activities), our failure to qualify and maintain our status as a real estate investment trust, risks related to our tax structuring, failure to maintain our current credit agency ratings or to comply with our debt covenants, environmental uncertainties, risks related to natural disasters, financial market fluctuations, changes in general economic conditions, global trade or in the real estate sector, inflation risks, changes in real estate and zoning laws, a continued or prolonged downturn in the U.S., California or global economy, risks related to doing business internationally and global expansion, risks of opening offices globally, risks of changing personnel and roles, losses in excess of our insurance coverage, unknown liabilities acquired in connection with acquired properties or otherwise and increases in real property tax rates.


First , understand the behavior of the Real Interest Rate Gap is important for understanding the experience relation among the true rate of interest and output.


The idea that monetary policy--raising interest rates (and therefore reducing the amount of money in circulation, because interest is the price of putting money into circulation rather than hoarding it) to check inflation, and lowering interest rates to check economic downturns--holds the key to moderating the business cycle, and therefore to preventing depressions as well as inflations, has been falsified.


In addition to rate decisions and jawboning, long-term interest rates are also affected by shifts in US and UK bond purchase plans.


Based on the interest rate cycle judgment banks to provide a real interest rate quotations.


So it is worrying that global monetary policy is now at its loosest since the 1970s: the average world real interest rate is negative.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
