英语人>网络例句>利率 相关的搜索结果


与 利率 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a total aim for China's reform of interest rate, it is gradually deeping with the continuous promotion of the market reform in China.


Joachim Fels and Manoj Pradhan, of Morgan Stanley, have made a stab at estimating neutral interest rates, ie, the short-term rates that would keep GDP growing at its trend pace and inflation on a stable path.

摩根斯坦利的Joachim Fels 和Manoj Pradhan制作的图表计算了基准利率,就是可使通胀率和GDP增长率保持固定幅度的短期贷款利率

Joachim Fels and Manoj Pradhan, of Morgan Stanley, have made a stab at estimating neutral interest rates, ie, the short-term rates that would keep GDP growing at its trend pace and inflation on a stable path.

摩根斯坦利的Joachim Fels和Manoj Pradhan估算了&金砖四国&的中性利率,即令GDP增长率与趋势增长率相符、并使通胀率保持稳定的短期利率水平。

Joachim Fels and Manoj Pradhan, of Morgan Stanley, have made a stab at estimating neutral interest rates, ie, the short-term rates that would keep GDP growing at its trend pace and inflation on a stable path. The results are startling.

摩根斯坦利的Joachim Fels和Manoj Pradhan对中性利率(neutral interest rates,使GDP保持趋势增长率而通货膨胀率保持稳定的短期利率)做了一个粗略的估计,结果令人吃惊。

Policy makers are reluctant to move more aggressively on interest rates because they see rising risks from the external global environment and worry about the sustainability of the recovery,' said Standard Chartered economist Jinny Yan, who also noted that the final decision on rates lies not with central bank, as in most major economies, but rather with China's top political leaders.

渣打银行经济学家Jinny Yan说,由于决策者看到全球经济环境中风险正在上升,对经济复苏的可持续性感到担心,因此不愿采取更为激进的利率手段。他还指出,中国与大多数经济体不同,央行不是利率的最终决策者,最终决策权在最高政治领导人手中。

In the theories of rate decision, the dissertation introduces classic rate theory, fluxing preference theory, lendable capital theory and the latest trends of these theories.


This research used option-based structural model: Merton Model and the Implied Volatility Model which visualized an option on the firm's equity that expired before the debt mature was a compound option and was proposed by Hull, Nelken and White in 2004. Then compare the fitting and ranking ability in the model implied credit spread of the two structural model to the observed bond credit spread between corporate bond yield and bond yield in Taiwan's listed companies.

本研究运用选择权基础的信用风险模型:Merton(1974)模型与Hull, Nelken and White(2004)提出将个股选择权视为复合选择权的Implied Volatility模型,比较这两个结构式信用风险模型所计算出的隐含信用利差对台湾上市、柜公司之公司债殖利率与公债殖利率间实际的信用利差之配适能力与排序能力。

The case for a stronger yen is also used by those who, more questionably, advocate higher interest rates on the grounds that keeping them low can contribute to asset bubbles.


Most governments have already begun to cut and many are also either embarking on, or considering, tax cuts or spending increases to help reflate countries' economies - especially as the impact of interest rate cuts in many economies is being hampered now by the poor availability of credit.


The term structure of riskless interest rates was established by the relationship between riskless interest rates and the terms of mature.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。