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与 初级的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Flexible bagging specialist Automated Packaging Systems has led fund-raising efforts and the Isle of White Primary Care Trust at St Mary's Hospital has supplied the ambulance.


A popular way to do this is to add another winding with the same number of turns as the primary.


Adult winter Mongolian Gull : This bird has new primaries with white tips (Mongolian is the first of the three species to complete its primary moult).


"The participation rate of 71% will be viewed withy envy by many other programs," said Joan Austoker, PhD, from the Cancer Epidemiology Unit, and Paul Hewitson, MMSc, from the Department of Primary Care, both at the University of Oxford, in the United Kingdom, in an accompanying editorial.

英国牛津大学癌症流行病小组的Joan Austoker博士以及初级照护部门的Paul Hewitson在编辑评论中表示,参与率达到71%相当令其它计画忌妒。

Ferrous Oxidation in Xylenol Orange is a spectrophotometry to detect primary product of Lipid peroxidation in plasma -- Lipid HydroperoxidesIn acid dilute solution,ROOH can oxidate Fe2+ into Fe3+,and Fe3+ can combine with Xylenol Orange to produce a kind of bluish - purple compound.


Autoradiographic studies have demonstrated that adenosine A1 and A2 receptors are expressed in the spinal dorsal horn, both on the post-synaptic SG neurons and the central terminals of the primary afferent neurons.


The result of experiment in 2000 year and 2001 year suggests that primary productivity of Miyun Reservoir is decided by group constitution and cell density of phytoplankton. The character of nutrition is phytoplankton-responding type. The group structure belongs to Chlorophyta (51.64%)-Bacillariophyta (-28.68%) type.


Of Crouse, at the initial stage of development, there are also many problems in mobile TV. It is important for the development of mobile TV itself whether these problems can be solved.


Many real-life data examples have been presented in the literature employing LME and NBLME modeling techniquesJones 1993,Davidian and Giltinan 1995,Vonesh and Chinchillo 1996,Pinheiroand Bates 2000,Verbeke and Molenberghs 2000,Diggle et al.2002,and Demidenko2004 among others However for many other practical data example from AIDS clinical trials and other biomedical studies will be presented and used throughout this book for illustration purpose In these amples LME and NLME models are no longer applicable and nonparametric mixed-effects(NPME modeling techniques which are the focuses of this book, are a natural choice at least at the initial stage of exploratory analyses.

许多活生生的例子已提交数据在文献nblme雇用大型海洋生态系统和建模技术琼斯1993年大卫和giltinan1995vonesh chinchillo和1996年pinheiroand贝德思2000韦贝克molenberghs和2000年diggle内皮al.2002,但是demidenko2004等许多其他实际数据为例艾滋病临床试验和其他生物医学研究会颁发和使用这本书作说明用途这些大型海洋生态系统和涞nlme型号和参数不再适用混合效果(npme建模技术是重点此书自然选择至少是在社会主义初级阶段的探索分析。

Based on the theory of offset aberration, the relationship between decenter variables and tilt variables is obtained by compensating the primary aberration caused by both the decenter variables and the tilt variables.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
