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与 创作 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Second chapter simply analyses Haydn's sonata from stages as well as creation.


His life had "some sort of epic grandeur". There has been general agreement in the western literary critical world that he is the outstanding spokesman of the "Lost Generation", the "poet laureate" of the "Jazz Age", and an excelled "historiographer" as a great writer.


The author write the comment that started at the history of cartoon - maker technical, joined the Animation create and the execute indenting together, explored the law in the art of create.


According to the subject, his vocals are arranged into compose music, incidental music and incidental folk songs. Withal, the compose music is classified again into new type music, enfant education songs, hoi polloi education songs, domesticity songs, school anthem and social realistic songs.


During the 19th and 20th centuries there were huge achievements on philosophy literature art and music; a variety of activities were also booming at that time Richard Strauss(1864-1949) born at that era when the social phenomena influenced his music learning process combined the classical and romantic music styles and further developed his unique composing style There were 5 chapters in the dissertation The research motivation purposes methodology and the literature review were included in Chapter One Chapter 2 focused on understanding how the history background and personal attitude influenced Richard Strauss' composing style Through the study of the romantic musicians like Franz Schubert1797-1828 Robert Schumann(1810-1856 Johannes Brahms(1833-1897) Hugo Wolf(1860-1903) Gustav Mahler(1860-1911) and etc I attempted to get a complete picture of musical evolution in Chapter 3 In addition Richard's classic compositions were categorized and organized in order to gain a deep understanding of his music From the study and the analysis of Strauss'"Vier letzte Lieder" the features styles the format and the life of the two poets Hermann Hesse1877-1962)and Joseph von Eichendorff(1788-1857 were explored and the relationship between the music of this composition and the poetry were also discussed Chapter 5 summarized the main arguments to give a short account of Strauss' lifetime rich experiences and thinking in his eighties

横跨十九、二十世纪的理察·史特劳斯(Richard Strauss,1864-1949)正是欧洲人文发展空前灿烂的年代,无论在哲学思想、文学、美术以及音乐方面,都有辉煌的成就。在他音乐学习历程中,结合了古典时期及浪漫时期两种音乐风格,发展出独特的作曲风格。本论文分成五章:第一章绪论包括研究动机、研究目的、研究方法及步骤以及文献探讨;第二章则从对理查史特劳斯生平的详实记载中,了解他创作作品的时代背景和心情;第三章则就浪漫时期艺术歌曲作家舒伯特(Franz Schubert1797-1828)、舒曼(Robert Schumann1810-1856)、布拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms1833-1897)、沃尔夫(Hugo Wolf1860-1903)及马勒(Gustav Mahler1860-1911)等,以诗人、旋律、伴奏型态及曲式和声,稍加整理并说明,以便了解艺术歌曲在此时期之演变过程。并将理查史特劳斯艺术歌曲作品分类统整,藉此对他的艺术歌曲能有更深一步的了解。第四章《四首最后的歌》之音乐探究与分析,则探讨此部作品诗人赫塞(Hermann Hesse 1877 - 1962)及艾辛朵夫(Joseph von Eichendorff﹐1788-1857)的生平和作品特色,以及诗的结构与格式,和此部作品音乐与诗的关系。第五章结语说明史特劳斯一生丰富经历与晚年想法,创作出一组宁静感人又深刻的终曲。

The literary arena entrusts with by the collective naming to "The 1970's Writers", the market chooses in addition the alternative and the fashion writer star takes the representative, has caused "The 1970's Writers" 's in writing pattern identicalness, also urges them to carry on the differentiation in the creation, but the society from all walks of life to their work intense critique and even to the government department to their partial works forbids then further impels its creation the transformation.


This text is not only instrumental to our understanding of works from the 90s, but more importantly offered a methodology to view the indiscernible, often overlooked yet underlying transitions and continuations in the brief existence of Chinese contemporary art.


First of all,I applyied myself to indite the QQpersonal space all the time before,and now,in order to acclimalize myself to the tidal current,I turn to indite the MSN live space,this's the first meaning of 'another thing';secondly,from now on ,I begin my times of the university,and my goal is to be a graduate student of the most famous university,this's the second meaning of 'another thing'.


If we do some reseachon differs from forms,style and technologe in every age,it may help us understandsculpture on history insight and give some revelations about sculpture indite.


Literature on internet is challenging traditional literature on its existence, indite mode, value conception, indite principle and tongue type etc.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
