- 与 刚愎自用 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
But her fixation on Bertram, while determined, will come to seem almost monomaniacal--it is her defining character trait, in the end.
Do you have your own character, have your own unique style, you are gentle in temper mixed with Ji Si; majestic plays an estimate Fen Ji Si; you joy and uninhibited, your personality a little bit opinionated, you say come and biotite not keep up with you, the wind was a long waiting yours.
An argumentative discourse; argumentative to the point of being cantankerous; an intelligent but argumentative child.
Don't disqualify someone based on ego or cockiness -- aslong as she's not insane.
l 别因为自我感觉或者刚愎自用的心态就拒绝一位人选–只要他不是个疯子。
Men of complacence are obstinate and consider themselves always right.
It was stubbornness that made him disregard the warnings of the Young Marshal, Chang Hsueh-liang, that his Manchurian soldiers no longer wanted to fight the Communists, and resulted in his being kidnaped at Sian in 1936; it was ignorant obstinacy that made him countermand General Stilwell's order in 1942 for Chinese troops to evacuate Burma by way of India so that many were lost under the fastnesses of Tibet where they died; it was conceited mulishness that made him go into Manchuria in 1945 against the advice of General Wedemeyer; and finally, it was blind obstinacy and a crazy faith in his own rightness that made him disregard the warnings of his generals that the war could only be settled by political means until in the end politicians refused to head the government, generals refused to take command in the field and foreign powers refused to send him any more aid.
Danton was a headstrong firebrand, a swashbuckling political showman with a prodigious memory, whose spectacular oratory held audiences in thrall.
One interesting thing: the English word "Euphuism" comes from the character created in Euphues. From the above quotes, you can absolutely feel it, right?
What is the meaning of self -willed self -willed translation _ _ _ What is the headstrong self - opinionated and explain _ Chinese ...
刚愎自用是什么意思_ 刚愎自用翻译_ 刚愎自用解释_什么是刚愎自用_中文。。。
What is the meaning of self -willed, opinionated and translation, opinionated and explain what is opinionated and Chinese French dictionary to explain: gāngbìzìyòng adj.obstiné/ opi.
刚愎自用是什么意思,刚愎自用翻译,刚愎自用解释,什么是刚愎自用,中文法语辞典解释: gāngbìzìyòng adj.obstiné/ opi。
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