英语人>网络例句>分配性 相关的搜索结果


与 分配性 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 4 After January 1, 2008, the distribution of the equity investment gains such as dividend and bonus from the accumulative undistributed profits in 2007 and previous years among resident enterprises shall be handled according to Article 26 of the Enterprise Income Tax Law and Article 17 and 83 of the Implementing Regulations.


A corollary of the decomposability requirement is division of labor : once you have decomposed a system into subsystems you should be able to distribute work on these subsystems among different people or groups.


Mathematics A set of elements having two operations, designated addition and multiplication, satisfying the conditions that multiplication is distributive over addition and that both operations are associative and commutative for all elements of the set, with the exception of the additive identity element, which is not commutative in respect to multiplication.


Rather than the uniform concern to hide sex, rather than a general prudishness of language, what distinguishes these last three centuries is the variety, the wide dispersion of devices that were invented for speaking about it, for having it be spoken about, for inducing it to speak of itself, for listening, recording, transcribing, and redistributing what is said about it: around sex, a whole network of varying, specific, and coercive transpositions into discourse.


Hence, the result of election in 2008 got unbalance between governability and proportionality. This article tends to measure the degree of disproportionality by Loosemore-Hanby index from 1992 to 2008 and tries to explain how disproportionality occurred from five dimensions-district magnitude, levels of seat allocation, threshold, number of total seats, and ballot structure.

本文的研究目的即是重拾对比例性的视野,透过Loosemore-Hanby D指数测量选制改革前后的比例性偏差程度,检视1992至2008年间比例性偏差数值的变化,并从五个面向-选区规模、席次分配、法定门槛、席次总数、选票结构-解释比例性偏差发生的原因,发现所有的选制设计皆不利於比例性,导致新选制的比例性偏差与旧制度产生极大的落差。

Ordosica biomass and density was dependant on that of soil moisture, and in particular, there existed a significant positive correlation between the biomass and the moisture, indicating that on semifixed dune, soil moisture played a decisive role in the spatial heterogeneity of plant population.


First, waer resoures are distributed to all regionsof a river basin, second, the waer resources of a region are re - distributed in space or time.


Starting from the right of equality, Rawls animadverts utilitarianism and substitutes it for "two principles as fairness and justice" in which rational people choose under the "original position", and thinks everyone should be equal and people should distribute wealth according to "the principle of justice as fairness", unless you have the enough reasons that can justify everyone should be unequal. He understands the distributive object as a series of public resources and systems of liberty, including the positions and offices, opportunity, natural endowment, honor, safety, freedom of life and action, freedom of thought and conscience. The aims of distributive principle of justice are to realize rational distribution of these public resources in a cooperative and well-ordered society. Starting from inalienable rights of man, Nozick thinks that everyone should be unequal, unless you have sufficient reasons that can justify everyone should be equal and without the consent of the individual, others can not infringe upon his property and rights with any excuses. He advances the justice of "holding" with a theory of qualification and entitlement, and maintains individual economic and free rights and the right of property.


Through analysis, the thesis thinks that the economical nature of environment goods cannot be generalized by public goods or private goods, its nature has been changing between the two extremes. The environment goods is on one hand reflected in some legal arrangement in international environment statute, where the focus is the whole humankind, for example,"common heritage"; on the other hand, it is also reflected in the rules that protecting private rights in civil legal system, where the focus is the individual, for example,"the right of environment personality ". The essential part of environment justice is the social distribution of environment benefits and burdens, so the thesis centers on the social peculiarities of environment goods as social burdens and as social benefits. In detail, environment benefits are related both to property and to personality, and they are also un-produced, non-substitutive and prima goods as living resources; environment burdens are composed of LULUs and many uncertain and irreversible environment risks.


Rather than the uniform concern to hide sex, rather than a general prudishness of language, what distinguishes these last three centuries is the variety, the wide dispersion of devices that were invented for speaking about it, for having it be spoken about, for inducing it to speak of itself, for listening, recording, transcribing, and redistributing what is said about it: around sex, a whole network of varying, specific, and coercive transpositions into discourse.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
