英语人>网络例句>分配性 相关的搜索结果


与 分配性 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Meanwhile, we highlight several research corners for future further study, the trade-offs on resource allocation within perennial plant had not been proved, the relationship of neighbor effects and reproductive allocation was still not so clear for individual plant, there was no definite conclusion on perennial plant reproductive strategy under different neighbor effects and different habitats. The relationship between reproductive allocation and sexual allocation , the cause of resource distribution in anthotaxy structure, the similarities and differences of reproductive allocation and the maintain mechanism within all kinds of reproductivest rategy need a further investigation. In addition, a molecular study is required for explaining the variation mechanism and the biological meanings on seed size research.


The function of tax policies which adjust personal income is strengthened overall, there are some obvious problems too: the first, the government used too many ways and channels to adjusting personal income, it can not form composition of forces, and make the tax and fee burden of low and middle income class is heavy in one hand, in another hand, it do not do its best to adjust high income class, and lead to regressive.


Finally, it analyses the time complexity of the algorithm and researches how it is influenced by culture operator.3、The paper presents the evaluation standard of the GA's application capability. Basing on characters such as continuity, multi-peak, vibration, randomicity as well as large-scale, five functions are selected to test search ability and robustcity of co-evolution algorithm. Finally, it analyses the simulation result and researches the influence of algorithm brought by culture operators.4、Basing on the concept of collection overcast, it researches the task distribution issue and constitutes delaminated math model on task distribution issue. It puts out the co-evolution algorithm of subtask's decomposing. The experiment compare IGA、SGA to CN and validates the efficiency of co-evolution algorithm on the NP completeness issue.5、Being aim at the optimization issue of load of antenna near ground, it combines many GA strategies and puts forward strategic meme. And it puts out co-evolution algorithm of load of antenna design. And it emulates the optimization design of load of antenna near ground. Finally, it valuates the co-evolution algorithm's efficiency on the continuum search issues of multi-variable and multi-peak value.6、Being aiming at the knowledge of image model matching, it adopts single meme and real code. It puts out fast co-evolution matching algorithm strategy. Basing on NPROD resemble measurement, I emulate the indiscrimination model matching and discrimination model matching. Finally, it valuates the co-evolution algorithm's efficiency on the real code and real time search issue.


The results show that the flow distribution in plate-fin heat exchangers can be effectively improved by changing the header configuration. It is also found that the effect of header configuration on the flow maldistribution in crosswise direction at the outlet area is greater than that in lengthwise direction.


There is mutual contradiction between direction estimation of user's signal and power allocation among all users in the beamforming algorithm. A twice game beamforming algorithm based on game theory is proposed to deal with it. Beamforming game algorithm mathematics model is constructed. During the first game, direction of signal and power allocation are mapped the game theory as "player", which are modeled as the problem of maximin function and obtain direction estimation first. Then during the second game, power allocations of different users are described as a multi-user game. Power updated algorithm is designed. The existence and uniqueness of the Nash equilibrium in the twice game beamforming algorithm based on game theory are proved by mathematics derivation.


Secondly, the dissertation estbalished a stochastic game model for the allocation-in-advance case, constructed its share values and then analyzed its effectiveness.


The result indicated that soil moisture change affected biomass distribution in different organs, i.e., accumulative CO2 assimilation distribution. White clover could escape drought by increasing dry matter distribution in stolon and root system.


Therefore, we selected common species of Ranunculaceae. comparative primordial plants in Alpine Meadow at Eastern QinghaiTibetan Plateau, and studied the reproductive strategies, such as reproductive allocation, especially sex allocation, to understand how the plants adapt the environmental conditions. The results showed:(1) At higher altitude, the self-incompatible plant, such as Trollius ranunculoides tended to become limited by pollination rather than by nutrient availability, while the self-compatible plants, such as Anemone rivularis and A. obtusiloba seemed not to be limited by pollen availability, which suggested that ability of self pollination for alpine plants may be a mechanism of reproductive assurance.(2) Influences induced by high altitude on the reproduction of these species occurred on different reproductive characters, which suggest species-specific adaptive strategies. The influences are dependent on plant size to some extent.

因此,我们选择在青藏高原东部的高寒草甸,以比较原始的植物类群—毛茛科植物为研究对象,选择一些常见种探讨其繁殖对策,如繁殖分配和性分配问题,试图揭示这些植物如何适应环境条件,最后的结果表明: 1高寒草甸高海拔区,自交植物(如小花草玉梅A.rivularis和钝裂银莲花A.obtusiloba)的繁殖不受花粉限制,而完全异交植物(毛茛状金莲花T.ranunculoides)的繁殖受花粉限制,表明高海拔地区植物的白花授粉能力可能是一种繁殖保障机制,能够避免恶劣环境对植物有性繁殖的不利影响; 2海拔高度对植物的影响因种而异,不同的物种受影响的繁殖性状不同,即使同属亲缘种间也存在差异,表明不同物种对相似环境压力的适应对策不同;而且,海拔高度对植物的影响在一定程度上依赖于植物个体大小,说明植物通过调整其个体大小与繁殖性状的关系来适应环境梯度的变化; 3植物花期和果期的繁殖分配并不完全随海拔升高而减小(只有小花草玉梅的果期RA随海拔升高而减小30%),与Iwasa和Cohen的预测不完全一致(他们认为繁殖分配随生长季缩短而减小)。

But as a interest distributive mechanism, the unique characteristic of market is that it has the natural demand and ability to expand, and from which the charity organization resultantly derives as the third distributive mechanism in the same time, so that the interest distributive mechanism of government just have transitional characteristic on powerful control and functional domination relative to other mechanism, according to which it can be regarded as a mixture of imposed institutional change and induced institutional change.


Furthermore, the article presents small-scale fishing ground indemnificatory allocation framework system. It advised that the marine and inland water fishing grounds which is connected with the land from the marine motor fishing vessels' bottom trawl closed area line, as the exclusive small-scale fishing's special zone for traditional fisher. Moreover let the small-scale special fishing zone being further divided and allocated, each zone establish small-scale fisher association to implement internal management and endow each zone of the attribute of usufructuary right which was the power of exclusive utilization, long effectiveness inheritable and transferable.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
