英语人>网络例句>分配性 相关的搜索结果


与 分配性 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It analyzes allocation ofburden of proof in law of international transport of goods,scope of dam-ages and limits of MTO's liability for localized or unlocalized loss or dam-age,loss from delayed delivery,consequential business loss,and producesnecessity and feasibility of the legislative perfection of compensation forloss resulting from delayed delivery for goods.


The shortcoming of ordinary multimode Y branch optical power splitter is that the branch characteristic strongly depends on the excited modal distribution. Different input conditions including different input modes and different input positions will excite different modes and different intensity distribution of these modes in highly multimode waveguides. The interference of these modes will contribute to distribute unstably, i.e.


this paper discussed several untestable assumptions which were often used in epidemiologi-cal observational studies,and some paradoxical results that may arise under different assumptions were showed.simpson's paradox and lord's paradox were introduced.assumption of treatment assignment in causal inference of epidemiological studies,assumption of control group in evaluation of exposure ef-fects,and assumption of missing data mechanisms in incomplete data analysis were also discussed.


Although the purchase must normally be made out of the proceeds of a fresh issue of shares and/or distributable profits, important provisions exist for private companies to make the purchase out of capital.


Survivability and channel allotting of Ad Hoc networks are solved based on put plane together and combining with emulator.

提出一种基于平面拼装方法解决Ad Hoc网络抗毁性及其信道分配问题。

User Conduct - You agree that you will not upload, post, submit or send any Content to ICQ in order to distribute, facilitate distribution, or directly link to any content that:(1)is offensive, vulgar, sexually explicit, racial, hateful, discriminating, unlawful, invasive of another's privacy, exploitation of a minor, identifiable information of a minor, information or instructions concerning illegal activities, information that is harmful, violent, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, tortuous, obscene, or otherwise objectionable;(2) harasses, threatens, abuses, defames, degrades, embarrasses or causes distress or discomfort upon another;(3) solicits for exchange, sale or purchase of sexually explicit images, and/or material harmful to minors; including, but not limited to, any photograph, film, video, or picture or computer generated image or picture.

用户行为--你同意你不会上传,邮派任何提交或ICQ的内容为散发,以便分配或直接连接任何内容 1进攻,粗俗,色情、种族仇恨,歧视,非法、另创的隐私,剥削未成年识别资料未成年指示有关资料或违法活动,这是有害的信息,暴力、威胁、侮辱、骚扰、诽谤、污蔑、曲折、色情或其他不良;骚扰、威胁、虐待、丑化、贬低,造成困扰或尴尬或不适经另;索贿交流、买卖性爱的图象和/或有害物质的未成年人;包括但不限于任何照片、电影、录像、照片或图画或形象或计算机生成。

The packed planes imply a cramped space (as John Locke's "Private Room of Mind"), either overly lit or too dim because of camera flash, and the observer behind the camera. The flat square disarranges the domain allotment between subject and object or the observer and the observed. The lack of depth gives the observer a superior status as a judge in a secretive trial that has been carefully arranged by the artist. The scene provokes a lot of doubt in the mind of the audience and they feel they are exiled.

尹朝辉的作品多以拥挤的画面象征忧郁狭小的房间(暗喻洛克John Locke的「心灵所在的私室」),光线过亮或不足、强烈急促的光影表现,隐喻了闪光灯和观察者的存在,压平的四方造型拉近且打乱了主体和客体/观察者和被观察者的场域分配,毫无景深的视觉提示则赋予房间内的主动观察者更高阶的审判者的地位,但艺术家刻意营造的匿名性却又将这一连串的审判过程私密化,徒留给被动观察者一连串的疑问,以及成为局外人的被抛弃感。

The synthetic study that makes theory into practice is little. And the dissertation of the strategy that base on the core capability is little too. By studying the characteristic of dynamic situation and core capability, the text formulizes the relationship between core capability and the strategy of the enterprises. By means of SWOT, the text takes the important position of time and core capability into account and tries to analyze core capability-based strategy. The text emphasizes the balance between the foundation of core capability and the exertion of core capability in order to acquire the dominance of competitive advantage. By means of PDCA, on the base of the dynamic characteristic of core capability and the strategy, the text integrates the core capability and the strategy together. On the base of the core capability, the text analyzes the strategy of low cost, difference, merger and diversification, and gets the goal and measurement of these kinds of strategy. Through the study of these issues, the text integrates the core capability and strategy, and.


Through the topographical survey, literature research and analysis of the remote sensing images, we shall emphasize on the five factors of water conservancy, water flow, streams, water retaining and water utilization in the upper reaches of the river, which are interacted and interplayed.


Using a fitting method which can reasonably assign weight to the observational data including two quantities with different dimensions, we obtain a V-band MRL based on the dynamical masses and luminosities of 203 main sequence stars. Compared with the previous work, the improved MRL is statistically significant, and the relative error of mass estimation reaches about 5%.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
