英语人>网络例句>分数 相关的搜索结果


与 分数 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results show that the best value of w is 7~10% and 5~7%, i is 0.08~0.2 A/cm^2 and 0.03~0.05 A/cm^2 respectively, during the electrolysis fluorination of pyridine and tributylamine; the addition of N-butyl mercaptan into the organic mixture can stabilize electrolysis process with its mass fraction 15~20% at best; impulse current polarization work status of low load is helpful to the electrolysis process and reduces corrosion rate of anode; electrolysis temperature is suitable at 0~20℃; electrobath can use electrolyte inner circulation structure, exterior circulation structure or blending structure.


For predicating the Pb concentration in soil, a partial least square regression modelwas established with 6 optimal factors and two closely relevant electron volt ranges: 10.40-10.70 keV and 12.41-12.80 keV.

模型所用的光谱范围为与土壤中Pb元素密切相关的两个波段: 10.40~10.70 keV和12.41~12.80 keV;最佳主成分数为6。

Fresh weight, dry weight, root activity, peroxides activity and catalase activity were measured. The results showed that FW, DW, root activity, POD activity and CAT activity of Vallisneria natans L and Elodea nuttallii were improved when ammonia concentrations were less than 50mgkg^(-1) and 500mgkg^(-1), respectively.

试验结果表明,氨氮起始质量分数<50mgkg^(-1)和<500mgkg^(-1)时可以分别促进苦草和伊乐藻鲜物质量、干物质量和根系活力的增加,大于此范围则会抑制苦草为Vallisneria natans L和伊乐藻Elodea nuttallii的生长。

The result that the encyclopedia search of Microsoft Live is the; Yahoo dictionary that through the Encarta of themselves this one product offers as a result comes from American bequest , sports game mark of Gu Ge reachs through the statistical data of STATS company.


Of course the guy from Beijing, because he needs lower scores in the college entrance exams to get in.


Those accepted into the program will meet the standard entrance requirement for the MBA including a minimum score of 500 on the GMAT examination unless they hold a professional doctoral degree (e.g. M.D., D.D.S., PhD.).

这些接受了加入该计划将满足对包括500 GMAT世界工商管理硕士考试最低分数标准,入学要求,除非他们拥有博士学位的专业(如医学博士,渠务署署长,博士。)。

The aim of quality-oriented education is to equip students with knowledge and ability but not to pursue high marks.


The estimative reliability model involving the residual life of the high temperature boiler pipe of steam-generator has been established by using of reliability theory and fraction criterion of life loss.


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Results showed that 1 soil structure in the rhizosphere was very high; water-holding capacity and organism count in the soil increased with altitude and duration of bamboo growth. However, soil etiolation and soil acidification was obvious. 2 Soil acidity was adjusted with lime; best applications were 10.625 thm^(-2) on the valley bottom, 14.811 thm^(-2) for the middle slope, and 12.558 thm^(-2) on the valley top.

结果显示:毛竹林根系活动层(60 cm)土壤结构较好,土壤水源涵养功能的大小和土壤的有机质质量分数随毛竹林成林时间和海拔高度的增加而增加;但土壤黄化、酸化特征较明显,土壤酸性调节主要以施用石灰为主,其中谷底毛竹林改造需石灰量为10.625 thm^(-2),坡面的里白毛竹林为14.811 thm^(-2),岗地毛竹林需石灰量为12.558 thm^(-2);在氮磷钾3种元素中,氮素供应总体上良好,但要获得高产,氮肥的补充也是必需的。

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